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About Festa
Since 2011, we have been at the forefront of advancing sustainability within Icelandic business.
Festa Festa serves as a bridge-builder and guiding light in increasing knowledge about sustainability for companies, institutions, and all types of organizations.
Festa raises awareness in society and encourages collaboration and action in this field. Festa connects diverse stakeholders—companies, municipalities, institutions, and individuals—who aim to be leaders in sustainability.
Almost 200 outstanding companies, local associations and institutions make up the Festa community.
Our goal is to have an enriching impact on the environment and society. Festa - Center for Sustainability is a non-profit organization whose sole interest is sustainability.
We create a diverse collaborative platform for member organizations to meet the demands and seize the opportunities that await us in sustainability issues.
Festa holds a number of events annually on sustainability in collaboration with member associations, stakeholders, governments, universities and various organizations. Festa organizes a variety of courses, meetings, incentive projects and conferences. The goal is — to strengthen the capacity of companies and all types of organizations to excel in the field of sustainability.
Festa monitors leading trends and policies around the world and strives to provide Icelandic society with relevant information.
Networking meetings have been a part of Festa's work for many years. At a Networking meeting, one member association invites the other member associations to visit, where the host shares his or her knowledge, experience and challenges when it comes to sustainable operations. The Networking meetings always generate interesting discussions and valuable relationships are formed from this platform.
We hold regular online meetings where we address issues that are relevant and urgent in the world of sustainability. We discuss what is in the crucible – and that is why we call these meetings Crucible Meetings. Festa member organizations act as educators and share their expertise with others on relevant issues.
Festa's January conference is Festa's most important event and the largest annual sustainability event in Iceland. The theme always depends on what is most pressing in the world of sustainability. In recent years, the conference has been sold out.
Festa offers an invaluable network of leading parties in the field of sustainability. Festa therefore has a direct impact on competitiveness and sustainability in Icelandic society.
Festa was founded in 2011 by Íslandsbanki, Landsbankinn, Landsvirkjun, Rio Tinto Alcan Íslandi, Síminn and Össur. The aim of establishing the center was to increase knowledge about corporate social responsibility and strengthen the capacity of companies to adopt socially responsible practices.
Festa is a member of the UN Global Compact and CSR Europe, which is the European association of centers for social responsibility and sustainability. Festa is also one of the founding members of the Nordic Circular Hotspot.
According to Festa's articles of association, the purpose of the association is to increase knowledge of the responsibility of organizations to promote sustainability in their operations and to help them adopt practices that promote sustainability. The association works towards its purpose through a variety of activities, such as providing information on the association's website, holding conferences and meetings, active communication with member associations and participation in public debate, to promote communication, collaboration and education about sustainability. Festa member associations accept Festa's code of conduct, which stipulates the practice of responsible operations and that member associations give a true picture of their social responsibility.
If serious allegations of violations of Festa's code of ethics arise, Festa's management will hold a meeting with the management of the relevant company. The purpose and code of ethics of Festa are reviewed. If a violation is found, the member company will report on plans to take action to prevent such mistakes or violations from occurring again. A time frame is set for such actions, and after that, Festa will meet again with the member company to follow up on progress. The goal, as before, is to increase the capacity and knowledge of the company to promote sustainability in its operations.
The Festa board appoints a three-member ethics committee as needed to rule on violations. Reports of violations must be submitted to the board. Violations of the code of ethics may result in a warning, but also loss of membership in the event of serious or repeated violations.
It is important to note that Festa is not a quality certification body and does not conduct audits of companies to assess their sustainability performance. Membership in Festa primarily expresses a company's intention to achieve success in the field of sustainable operations through participation in educational activities and events at Festa.
Festa's board approved an updated policy in the fall of 2024. You can read it here (in Icelandic).
We work with integrity in everything we do.
We encourage each other, are open in communication, and share experiences.
We promote collaboration between different parties on social responsibility and sustainability.
Executive Director
354 8224010
Project Manager
Communications Manager
Sustainability expert
Festa's board of directors consists of seven individuals elected at the company's annual general meeting to manage the company's affairs between annual general meetings. The chairman, like the co-directors, is elected for a two-year term.
Reykjavík University, where Festa is based, has the right to appoint one representative to Festa's board.
Board Member
CEO and co-founder of Svarmi
Board Member
Sustainability and Improvement Leader at Ölgerðinn
Board Member
Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Reykjavik University
Board Member
Director of Strategy and Sustainability at Landsvirkjun
Board Member
Founder of Trail - sustainability consulting
Festa's Kjölfestur specifically support Festa's work during the Decade of Action 2020-2030 and promote development towards a sustainable economy in Iceland. Kjölfestu membership includes a contribution of one million ISK, in addition to the general annual fee. Thank you.
Festa's Anchors specifically support Festa's work during the Decade of Action 2020-2030 and promote development towards a sustainable economy in Iceland. Kjölfestu membership includes a contribution of one million ISK, in addition to the general annual fee. Thank you!
Hampidjan | 2020 | www.hampidjan.is |
Hannesarholt is seen | 2015 | www.hannesarholt.is |
University of Iceland Lottery | 2015 | www.hhi.is |
Hairdressing ehf/VAXA | 2021 | www.vaxafarm.is |
University of Iceland | 2019 | www.hi.is |
Bifröst University | 2022 | www.bifrost.is |
Reykjavik University | 2013 | www.hr.is |
Heimstaden ehf. | 2021 | www.heimstaden.is |
Cornerstone | 2022 | www.hornsteinn.is |
HS Energy | 2020 | www.hsorka.is |
The House Workshop | 2022 | www.husa.is |
Ice Fish ehf | 2016 | http://www.ice-fish.is |
Icelandair | 2019 | www.icelandairgroup.is |
Indo | 2020 | www.Indo.is |
Debt collection ehf | 2021 | www.inkasso.is |
INNNES Ltd. | 2021 | www.innnes.is |
ISAVIA | 2016 | www.isavia.is |
Islandsbanki | 2015 | www.islandsbanki.is |
Iceland Post | 2020 | www.postur.is |
Iceland Hotel | 2015 | www.islandshotel.is |
Iceland office | 2014 | www.islandsstofa.is |
Icelandic fortune telling | 2015 | www.lotto.is |
Icelandic Pension Fund | 2021 | islenskilif.is |
iTUB ehf. | 2020 | www.itub-rental.com |
June digital | 2022 | www.juni.is |
Kereci | 2021 | www.kerecis.is |
Klappir green solutions hf. | 2017 | www.klappir.com |
I love you | 2020 | www.kolibri.is |
Kontra Consulting Ltd. | 2021 | www.KontraNordic.com |
Lífeyrissjóður verslunarmanna | 2018 | www.live.is |
Lífsverk lífeyrissjóður | 2020 | www.lifsverk.is |
LMB Mandat slf | 2021 | www.lmbmandat.is |
LOGOS | 2021 | www.logos.is |
Matvælaráðuneytið | 2024 | www.stjornarradid.is/raduneyti/matvaelaraduneytid/ |
Marel | 2016 | www.marel.com |
IKEA | 2016 | www.IKEA.is |
Míla | 2013 | www.mila.is |
Mjólkursamsalan | 2016 | www.ms.is |
Múlalundur Vinnustofa SÍBS | 2015 | www.mulalundur.is |
N1 ehf | 2020 | www.n1.is |
NASDAQ OMX Iceland | 2014 | www.nasdaqomxnordic.com |
Netpartar | 2020 | www.netpartar.is |
Neyðarlínan | 2013 | www.112.is |
Niflheimar | 2024 | |
Nói Síríus | 2023 | www.noi.is |
Norðurál | 2017 | www.nordural.is |
Nýsköpunarsjóður atvinnulífsins | 2018 | www.nyskopun.is |
Ölgerðin | 2013 | www.olgerdin.is |
ON - Orka náttúrunnar | 2015 | www.on.is |
On to Something | 2023 | www.ontosomething.io |
Íslensk getspá | 2015 | www.lotto.is |
Íslenski lífeyrissjóðurinn | 2021 | www.islenskilif.is |
iTUB | 2020 | www.itub-rental.com |
Kerecis | 2021 | www.kerecis.is |
Klappir grænar lausnir | 2017 | www.klappir.com |
Kolviður - sjóður | 2024 | www.kolvidur.is |
KPMG | 2014 | www.kpmg.is |
Kristrún Anna teymisþjálfi | 2024 | |
Krónan | 2019 | www.kronan.is |
Kúper Blakk | 2024 | www.kuperblakk.is |
Kveikja | 2024 | www.kveikja.org |
Kvika banki | 2017 | www.kvika.is |
Lagastoð | 2023 | www.lagastod.is |
Lánasjóður Sveitarfélaga | 2021 | www.lanasjodur.is |
Landsbankinn | 2014 | www.landsbankinn.is |
Landsnet | 2015 | www.landsnet.is |
Landsvirkjun | 2014 | www.landsvirkjun.is |
Langbrók | 2024 | www.langbrok.is |
Laufið | 2022 | www.laufid.is |
LEX Lögmannsstofa | 2021 | www.lex.is |
Lífeyrissjóður starfsmann ríksins | 2022 | www.lsr.is |
Hannesarholt ses | 2015 | www.hannesarholt.is |
Happdrætti Háskóla Íslands | 2015 | www.hhi.is |
VAXA | 2021 | www.vaxafarm.is |
Háskóli Íslands | 2019 | www.hi.is |
Háskólinn á Bifröst | 2022 | www.bifrost.is |
Háskólinn í Reykjavik | 2013 | www.hr.is |
Hornsteinn | 2022 | www.hornsteinn.is |
HS Orka | 2020 | www.hsorka.is |
HSE Consulting | 2024 | www.hse.is |
Húsasmiðjan | 2022 | www.husa.is |
Ice Fish ehf | 2016 | www.ice-fish.is |
Icelandair | 2019 | www.icelandairgroup.is |
Indó | 2020 | www.Indo.is |
Inkasso | 2021 | www.inkasso.is |
Innes heildverslun | 2021 | www.innnes.is |
ISAVIA | 2016 | www.isavia.is |
Íslandsbanki | 2015 | www.islandsbanki.is |
Íslandspóstur | 2020 | www.postur.is |
Íslandsshótel | 2015 | www.islandshotel.is |
Íslandsstofa | 2014 | www.islandsstofa.is |
Elkem | 2017 | www.elkem.is |
Embla Medical (áður Össur) | 2014 | www.emblamedical.com/ |
ELKO | 2020 | www.elko.is |
Eskja | 2021 | www.eskja.is |
Eta Carina | 2019 | www.stjornufraedi.is |
Eygló | 2023 | https://eygloeast.is/ |
Eyrir Invest | 2020 | www.eyrir.is |
Farfuglar ses | 2023 | www.hostel.is |
Feel Iceland | 2021 | www.feeliceland.is |
Félagsbústaðir | 2015 | www.felagsbustadir.is |
Festi | 2013 | www.festi.is |
Play | 2022 | www.flyplay.com |
Frumtak Ventures | 2022 | www.frumtak.is |
Gagarín | 2021 | www.gagarin.is |
Gámafélagið | 2024 | www.gamafelagid.is |
GEMMAQ | 2020 | www.gemmaq.co |
Geo Salmo | 2022 | www.geosalmo.com |
GlacialEdge Advisory | 2024 | www.glacialedge.com |
Greenhouse hotel ehf. | 2020 | www.thegreenhouse.is |
Hagar | 2016 | www.hagar.is |
Hampiðjan | 2020 | www.hampidjan.is |
Borealis Data Center | 2022 | www.bdc.is |
BravoEarth | 2019 | www.bravo.earth |
Brim | 2013 | www.brim.is |
Brimborg | 2024 | www.brimborg.is |
Brú Lífeyrissjóður | 2020 | www.lifbru.is |
Búseti | 2017 | www.buseti.is |
BYKO | 2020 | www.byko.is |
Capacent | 2023 | www.capacent.is |
CCP | 2013 | www.ccpgames.com |
Coca-Cola European Partners Ísland hf | 2017 | www.ccep.is |
Colas Ísland | 2021 | www.colas.is |
Controlant | 2022 | www.Controlant.com |
COWI | 2016 | www.cowi.is |
CreditInfo Lánstraust | 2020 | www.creditinfo.is |
Datatech | 2024 | www.datatech.is |
DecideAct | 2024 | www.decideact.net |
Dagar | 2013 | www.dagar.is |
Deloitte | 2013 | www.Deloitte.is |
Discover truenorth ehf | 2021 | www.Discovertruenorth.is |
DTE | 2023 | www.dte.ai |
EFLA verkfræðistofa | 2016 | www.efla.is |
Eignarhaldsfélagið Brunabótafélag Íslands | 2023 | www.brunabot.is |
Eik fasteignarfélag hf | 2020 | www.eik.is |
Eimskip | 2014 | www.eimskip.com |
Orb | 2021 | www.orb.green |
Orkan IS | 2022 | www.orkan.is |
Orkusalan | 2018 | www.orkusalan.is |
Orkuveita Reykjavíkur | 2015 | www.or.is |
Perla norðursins | 2020 | www.perlan.is |
Pfaff | 2020 | www.pfaff.is |
Podium | 2015 | www.podium.is |
PwC Ísland | 2020 | www.pwc.is |
Pure North Recycling | 2019 | www.purenorth.is |
Rafal ehf | 2021 | www.rafal.is |
RARIK | 2015 | www.rarik.is |
RB - Reiknistofa bankanna | 2015 | www.rb.is |
Regn | 2023 | www.regn.store/ |
Reginn | 2019 | www.reginn.is |
Reitir fasteignafélag | 2018 | www.reitir.is |
Reitun | 2022 | www.reitun.is |
Rekstrarvörur | 2022 | www.rv.is |
Resource International | 2016 | www.resource.is |
Reykjagarður | 2013 | www.holta.is |
Reykjavíkurborg | 2015 | www.reykjavik.is |
Rio Tinto á Íslandi | 2014 | www.riotinto.is |
Samgöngustofa | 2016 | www.samgongustofa.is |
Samhentir | 2021 | www.samhentir.is |
Samskip | 2015 | www.samskip.is |
Samtök atvinnulífsins | 2021 | www.sa.is |
Samtök iðnaðarins | 2017 | www.si.is |
Seðlabanki Íslands | 2021 | www.sedlabanki.is |
Securitas | 2024 | www.securitas.is |
Síminn | 2013 | www.siminn.is |
66°Norður | 2020 | www.66north.com |
Sjávarklasinn | 2024 | www.sjavarklasinn.is |
Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar | 2014 | www.sjova.is |
Skeljungur IS | 2022 | www.skeljungur.is |
Snjallgámar | 2024 | www.snjallgamar.is |
Sólar | 2015 | www.solarehf.is |
Sölufélag garðyrkjumanna ehf. | 2018 | www.islenskt.is |
SORPA | 2015 | sorpa.is |
Staðlaráð Íslands | 2020 | www.stadlar.is |
Steypustöðin | 2024 | www.steypustodin.is |
Stika | 2024 | www.stikasolutions.is/ |
Svarmi | 2021 | www.svarmi.is |
Sveitafélagið Hornafjörður | 2019 | www.hornafjordur.is |
Terra | 2016 | www.terra.is |
Trail - sjálfbærniráðgjöf | 2024 | |
Traustur kjarni | 2023 | https://www.solidcore.gg/ |
Truenorth Nordic | 2021 | truenorth.is |
Tryggja | 2020 | www.tryggja.is |
Umhverfisstofnun | 2020 | www.ust.is |
Umhverfis-, orku- og loftslagsráðuneytið | 2024 | https://www.stjornarradid.is/raduneyti/umhverfis-orku-og-loftslagsraduneytid/ |
Utanríkisráðuneytið | 2023 | www.utn.is |
Veitur | 2015 | www.veitur.is |
Veritas Capital | 2020 | www.veritas.is |
Verkís | 2016 | www.verkis.is |
Verkvist | 2024 | www.verkvist.is |
Víkonnekt | 2023 | www.vikonnekt.is |
Vinnvinn | 2022 | www.vinnvinn.is |
VIRK | 2018 | www.virk.is |
VÍS | 2013 | www.vis.is |
Vinnumálastofnun | 2024 | www.vinnumalastofnun.is |
Vista verkfræðistofa | 2017 | www.vista.is |
Vörður tryggingafélag | 2013 | www.vordur.is |
Votlendissjóður | 2021 | www.votlendi.is |
VR | 2015 | www.vr.is |
VSÓ Ráðgjöf | 2019 | www.vso.is |
Ábyrgar lausnir | 2018 | www.abyrgarlausnir.is |
Advania | 2020 | www.advania.is/ |
Áfengis- og tóbaksverslun ríkisins | Vínbúðin | 2013 | www.vinbudin.is |
Alcoa Fjarðaál | 2014 | www.alcoa.is |
Alda | 2023 | www.alda.co |
Alma | 2017 | www.al.is |
Alvotech | 2021 | www.alvotech.com |
Arion | 2013 | www.arionbanki.is |
Arngrimsson Advisors Ltd | 2021 | www.arngrimssonadvisors.com |
Aton | 2022 | www.atonjl.is |
Attentus | 2022 | www.attentus.is |
Auðkenni | 2023 | www.audkenni.is/ |
Bakkinn Vöruhótel | 2020 | www.bakkinn.is |
BBA Fjeldco | 2021 | www.bbafjeldco.is |
Berjaya Iceland hótel | 2019 | www.icelandhotelcollectionbyberjaya.com/en |
BGlobal Sustainability | 2024 | www.bglobal.is |
Bláa lónið | 2014 | www.bluelagoon.is |
Blái herinn | 2016 | www.blaiherinn.is |
Blámi | 2023 | www.blami.is |
Wise Lausnir | 2021 | www.wise.is |
Yggdrasill Carbon | 2023 | www.yggcarbon.com |
Yorth | 2021 | www.yorthgroup.com |
ÖBÍ réttindasamtök | 2023 | www.obi.is/ |
Number of employees or type of organization | Price in ISK |
Monocultures | 67.700 |
2-15 | 137.700 |
16-49 | 242.610 |
50-199 | 358.940 |
200-499 | 714.470 |
500-999 | 855.540 |
1000 | 998.900 |
Educational institution | 242.660 |
Social organizations | 67.700 |
Public institution | 242.660 |
Article 1. Name and domicile The association is a general association. Its name is Festa – a centre for sustainability. The association's domicile and place of jurisdiction is in Reykjavík.
Article 2. PurposeThe purpose of the association is to increase knowledge of the responsibility of organizations to promote sustainability in their operations and to help them adopt practices that promote sustainability.
The company is not run for profit and operating surpluses from its operations shall be spent in accordance with the company's purpose. However, the company is permitted to build up a reserve fund in accordance with the decision of the board of directors."
Article 3. Activities The Association works towards its purpose through diverse activities, such as providing information on the Association's website, holding conferences and meetings, active communication with member associations and participation in public debate, to promote communication, collaboration and education about sustainability and social responsibility.
Article 4. MembershipTo become a member of Festa, organizations must apply separately by completing a form on Festa's website. The application must include, among other things, a declaration by the applicant that he or she undertakes to conduct his or her activities in accordance with the association's values, code of conduct and purpose. The applicant must also notify one contact person who will vote for the association at the general meeting. Upon receipt of the application, the association's board of directors will take a position on the application and it is considered approved if a majority of the board approves the person concerned, otherwise it is rejected.
Article 5. Resignation or removal
Members may resign from the association from the beginning of the following year, and written resignation must be received by the association's office no later than November 30. Festa's board of directors may terminate a member's membership if he is found to have violated the association's code of conduct or fails to pay membership fees according to the association's payment terms. This requires the approval of at least 2/3 of the board members.
Article 6. Membership fee
The board of directors determines the membership fee at a board meeting. Changes to the membership fee require the approval of a minimum of four board members. The fee schedule shall be accessible on the company's website and changes announced there no later than October 14th of each year.
A member undertakes to pay the membership fee as determined by the board of directors from time to time. A member acquires full rights when the membership fee has been paid. The membership fee is collected annually. If the membership fee is not paid on the due date, interest may be charged from the due date. In special cases, the CEO is authorized to negotiate with new members on a membership fee for a limited period of time as well as a temporary discount for individual members if special circumstances warrant it.
Article 7. General meeting, votes and special meetings
The general meeting has the highest authority and decision-making power in the affairs of the company. The general meeting of the company shall be held before the end of May each year. The general meeting shall be called no more than four weeks before the meeting and no less than two weeks before the general meeting and one week before an extraordinary meeting. The meeting notice shall be published on the company's website and sent by email to the registered contact persons of the company. A general meeting is legal if it is properly called.
At the company's general meeting, at least the following matters shall be taken up for consideration:
The right to attend the general meeting is reserved for members who are free of debt one week before the meeting. The registered contact person of each member association shall exercise voting rights on behalf of the relevant association. Members may authorize another representative to attend the general meeting and exercise their voting rights against a written, dated proxy. The weight of votes of the members present shall determine the outcome of matters.
Voters can elect as many representatives as the number of board seats available dictates. Voters have different amounts of votes, which are divided as follows:
The company's board of directors and 1/3 of the members are authorized to request extraordinary general meetings of the company. The same criteria apply to extraordinary general meetings as to annual general meetings.
The board may decide that members may participate in annual meetings and special meetings electronically. The board may decide that the annual meeting and special meeting shall be held partially or entirely electronically. If electronic participation in an annual meeting or special meeting is offered, this shall be stated in the notice of the meeting. Information shall also be provided on the company's website regarding how electronic participation is carried out.
Here you can access the Festa logo in various versions for print and screen media. We ask that minimal ventilation around the logo be respected and that the logo not be tampered with in any way.
Do not change the colors of the logo. Please respect the minimum ventilation around the logo.