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Join us!

At Festa, there are almost 200 companies, institutions, municipalities, universities and other organizations that work on social responsibility and sustainability in operations and culture. We are all on this journey together. Come and join us.

Aðild veitir þér

    An advantage in a world where the legal requirements for sustainable operations are changing rapidly and the demand for sustainable investments is high. Membership in a powerful collaboration, promotion and networking network of companies, institutions and other organizational units that work on sustainability and social responsibility both in Iceland and in Festa's network abroad, ss CSR Europe and Nordic Circular Hotspot..Workshops, crucible meetings and courses where member associations are guided in the implementation of social responsibility in the operation of companies and institutions. Access to Festa's Climate Meter and a comprehensive educational package on measures to establish a sustainability policy and take action. Opportunities to to learn from the leading experts in the country and abroad. Access to conversations, education and workshops about progressive ideas and methodologies for the development of sustainable business models. Festa's electronic newsletter with the latest news on the development of social responsibility. Discounts for meetings, courses or presentations organized by Festa, partners and publishers License to put Festa's logo on your website and your name on Festa's website. Coverage of the projects you are working on in the field of self-sustainability on Festa's web media.

Skráning í Festu

Attention is drawn to the fact that a member of Festa undertakes to pay the annual membership fee. If the membership fee is not paid on one day, late payment interest may be calculated from the due date. Annual fees are updated annually according to consumer price index.

In special cases, the managing director is authorized to negotiate with new members about membership fees for a limited time.

A member of Festa is allowed to resign from the company from the beginning of the next year, and the written resignation must be received by the office of the company by September 30 at the latest. The board of Festa can terminate a member's membership if he is found to have violated the company's code of conduct or does not pay the membership fee according to the company's payment terms.

If any questions arise. Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Skráning í Festu

Attention is drawn to the fact that a member of Festa undertakes to pay the annual membership fee. If the membership fee is not paid on one day, late payment interest may be calculated from the due date. Annual fees are updated annually according to consumer price index.

In special cases, the managing director is authorized to negotiate with new members about membership fees for a limited time.

A member of Festa is allowed to resign from the company from the beginning of the next year, and the written resignation must be received by the office of the company by September 30 at the latest. The board of Festa can terminate a member's membership if he is found to have violated the company's code of conduct or does not pay the membership fee according to the company's payment terms.

If any questions arise. Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Heiti félags á ensku


Siðareglur samþykktar af aðildarfélagi:

Aðild veitir þér

    An advantage in a world where the legal requirements for sustainable operations are changing rapidly and the demand for sustainable investments is high. Membership in a powerful collaboration, promotion and networking network of companies, institutions and other organizational units that work on sustainability and social responsibility both in Iceland and in Festa's network abroad, ss CSR Europe and Nordic Circular Hotspot..Workshops, crucible meetings and courses where member associations are guided in the implementation of social responsibility in the operation of companies and institutions. Access to Festa's Climate Meter and a comprehensive educational package on measures to establish a sustainability policy and take action. Opportunities to to learn from the leading experts in the country and abroad. Access to conversations, education and workshops about progressive ideas and methodologies for the development of sustainable business models. Festa's electronic newsletter with the latest news on the development of social responsibility. Discounts for meetings, courses or presentations organized by Festa, partners and publishers License to put Festa's logo on your website and your name on Festa's website. Coverage of the projects you are working on in the field of self-sustainability on Festa's web media.

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