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Auratal: Hagnaður af sjálfbærni

Icelandair Hotels A strong strategy in social responsibility provides a competitive advantage

Markviss stefna í sjálfbærni og samfélagslegri ábyrgð hjá fyrirtækjum í ferðaþjónustu er lykilatriði ef Ísland á áfram að vera hátt á lista erlendra ferðamanna um spennandi staði til þess að heimsækja. Þetta segir Magnea Þórey Vilhjálmsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Icelandair hotels. Þá segir hún ferðamenn í auknum mæli velja hótel með það fyrir augum hvort það taki sína samfélagslegu ábyrgð alvarlega.

Magnea Þórey Vilhjálmsdóttir is the manager of Icelandair hotels.

"In my opinion, taking care of social responsibility has become absolutely a given, at least for larger companies in this country, and as self-evident as paying public fees," says Magnea. A key element in Icelandair Hotels' policy is to show responsibility towards society and the environment, but these are elements that are guided by the company's daily business. Magnea says respect for Iceland's nature, the hotel staff and active participation in the community are intertwined with all of the company's activities. It can be seen with the naked eye as we walk together around the Reykjavík Natura hotel on Nauthólsveg, where you can see works by Icelandic artists in the corridors of the hotel, much to the delight of tourists. In the hotel's office, the company's strategy for socially responsible business practices is kept in mind.

When asked about the financial benefits of this corporate social responsibility policy, Magnea says it is not always obvious at first. However, it is unquestionable in the case of an active environmental policy.

„Það hefur sannarlega sýnt sig að það er verulega hagkvæmt að fjölga grænum skrefum í hótelrekstri.“

Garbage sorting is of course the closest example of how to cut costs. We measure all classifications and set targets for them, and also encourage both our guests and staff to put less on the plate and not throw away food to avoid food waste," explains Magnea. She says the company has looked for ways to save electricity in various ways, for example by using sensors to a greater extent and replacing normal light bulbs with LED bulbs. Guests are also offered the option of opting out of room cleaning and instead receive credit at the hotel's restaurant as part of each hotel's energy savings.

„Icelandair hótelin voru fyrst til að innleiða alþjóðlegan umhverfisstaðal, ISO 14001 í rekstur allra okkar hótela og hefur eftirlit erlendra umsjónaraðila þess staðals reynst okkur frábært aðhald og tryggt áframhaldandi þróun frá ári til árs.“

She says she first realized that there were significant financial benefits hidden for companies with a targeted strategy in sustainability when Icelandair started sorting garbage.

"We started getting paid to throw away certain things like corrugated cardboard. The feeling is also pretty good when you think at the same time that when we, this big company, decided to sort, we don't have to cut down more than 800 trees."

800 færri tré felld vegna umhverfisstefnu Icelandair Hotels

Magnea believes that once a company starts implementing an environmental policy, there is no going back, as there is great value in what was previously considered garbage. "I don't think anyone here thought to throw bottles or cans in general garbage today. People know that there are values hidden in such packaging and that it is a waste to throw them away, so it is better to get a refund for their value, or even better to support a good cause and donate to a collection."

The company has also selected suppliers and builders based on whether their work is sustainable. The carpets at Reykjavík Natura are thus made of plastic particles from the sea. "When we had to renew the carpets, we immediately started a conversation with the supplier about how to do this in the most environmentally friendly way possible," Magnea explains, adding that before undertaking any renovations or additions, we look at how to minimize waste and carbon footprint. She believes that as many companies as possible should adopt environmentally friendly operations and that it is our duty as Icelanders to treat our natural resources with respect.

Magnea telur þar að auki sterk stefna í samfélagslegri ábyrgð gefa Icelandair ákveðið samkeppnisforskot. „Það er orðin æ háværari krafa erlendra gesta að dvelja á hótelum sem gefa til baka til samfélagsins sem heimsótt er, og við sjáum það í ríkari mæli að gestir velja okkar hótel vegna þess að við tökum samfélagslega ábyrgð okkar alvarlega,“ útskýrir hún.

"We regularly receive inquiries about our environmental focus and social responsibility from foreign travel wholesalers who are concerned about these issues."

It is not only the customers who demand socially responsible business practices, but she also sees this happening in her employees. "It is no less rewarding for our staff that good causes are supported by the company and also that business with other Icelandic companies is prioritized over foreign ones. In this way, we increase the benefits of society and reduce the company's carbon footprint."

The company uses Klappa's environmental management system to measure the use and development of environmental factors that have been defined for the business. She says that regarding the measurement of financial benefits, the company could perhaps do even better, but there are many factors that are simply impossible to quantify.

"We base our survival on the resources of this country, sustainability for the future is the key to continued prosperity and likewise Iceland's uniqueness as a tourist destination."

Svipmyndir frá Icelandair Hotel Reykjavík Marina.

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