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27. 01 2022 - 10:00-13:00
Note that as soon as the program ends, you can use the same link to watch a recording of the conference.
Festa's January conference 2022 will take place on January 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and like the conference last January, it will be electronic and open to everyone. The conference is broadcast from Harpa.
Festa's January conference is the largest annual sustainability forum in Iceland, and this year's program will be exceptionally impressive as we will have "keynote" speakers who are among the leading academics and leaders on the international stage when it comes to sustainability and climate issues.
Then we will offer three powerful panel discussions where we will bring together leaders from Icelandic society to discuss the sustainability issues that concern us all. With an exclusive team, we discuss the significance of sustainability, the donut economy and economic growth within the earth's tolerance limits for investments, information on business operations, laws and regulations and energy exchange around the world.
See the program further down the page.
Kate Raworth is the author of Donut Economics. Donut economics is based on an economic model that strives to find a balance between the basic needs of humanity within the Earth's Planetary Boundaries.
Kate Raworth works and teaches at Oxford University's Environmental Change Institute where she is a Senior Associate. She is also a professor at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and one of the founders of the Donut Economics Action Lab (DEAL).
In recent years, Raworth's ideas about the donut economy have had an enormous impact all over the world, including cities such as Amsterdam and Barcelona, numerous movements such as Extincion Rebellion, the United Nations General Assembly and the Pope in Rome.
Over 4 million have watched her Ted talk – measure the impact.
Raworth is a co-founder of the Donut Economics Action Lab (DEAL). DEAL is part of a growing global movement for new and forward-looking economics. DEAL's goal is to promote the implementation of economics that respond to the needs of the 21st century. An economy that has an enriching effect on the Earth's ecosystems and distributes value among people more equally than the dominant economy does.
Raworth is the author of the best-selling book Donut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st Century Economist, which is now available at the Student Bookstore. The book has been translated into over 20 languages and its ideas have influenced the planning of cities and communities around the world.
Kate er Senior Associate hjá Environmental Change Institute við Oxford háskóla, þar sem hún kennir í meistarnáminu: Environmental Change and Management. Hún er einnig Prófessor of Practice hjá Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Hún er meðlimur í Rómar klúbbnum (e. The club of Rome) og situr í ráðgjafaráði Alþjóðaheilbrigðismálastofnunarinnar, WHO.
Kate hefur komið fram í The Guardian, The New Statesman, Newsweek.com, Wired.com, BBC,CNN world news, ABC and NPR, CBC og Al-Jazeera. The Guardian hefur sett hana á topp 10 lista sinn yfir tístara (e.tweeters) sem leggja áherslu á umbreytingu hagkerfisins. @KateRaworth
Festa is honored to welcome Kate Raworth to Festa's January Conference 2022.
Festa's January conference will be fully carbon neutral
Johan Rockström forstöðumaður Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research í Þýskalandi, sem er ein að þeim stofnunum sem leiðir rannsóknir á loftslagsbreytingum og sjálfbærni á heimsvísu. Þá er hann einnig aðal- vísindamaður (e. Chief Scientist) Conservation International. Áður stýrði hann (1) Stockholm Resilience Centre: Overview .
Johan er alþjóðlega viðurkenndur vísindamaður og hafa hans rannsóknir beinst að þrautseigju vistkerfa jarðar.
Rockström er þekktastur fyrir að leiða hópa vísindamanna við greiningu á þolmörkum jarðar (e.Planetary Boundaries). Þolmörk jarðar útlista 9 ólík þolmörk. Þá greinir líkanið hvaða mörk við höfum nú þegar stigið yfir, hvar við nálgumst þolmörkin og hvar við erum í ágætri stöðu.
More than five million people have listened to Rockström's Ted lectures about the earth's endurance limits.
Rockström has been awarded for his work, and this summer a Netflix documentary about his work was released, in which David Attenborough himself speaks. We highly recommend watching – Breaking Boundaries – The Science of Our Planet.
Johan is a consultant on issues of sustainable development at the United Nations General Assembly, the World Economic Forum (e.World Economic Forum) and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP). He is the chairman of the advisory committee of the EAT foundation and came to the EAT-Lancet analysis work on the global food system, whether and how transformations are needed.
Rockström is the author of the books Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet (2021), which is available at the Student Bookstore, and The Human Quest (2012) and Big World Small Planet (2015) in collaboration with National Geographic photographer Mattias Klum. Other significant books by Rockström can be found here.
It is a great honor for Festa to welcome Johan Rockström to Festa's January Conference 2022.
At the conference, we will have leaders and experts from Icelandic society for three different panel discussions. Festa is extremely proud of the powerful group that is coming to this with us and we look forward to having a conversation with them about how we work with the focus of the conference on the Icelandic level.
Questions that will be raised in the panel discussions at Festa's January conference can be submitted here - link.
Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir and Lára Kristín Þorvaldsdóttir
Let's get representatives of the young generation who will give us honest and practical feedback on the conference program and provide us with the lines for the next steps.
*CATALY(C)ST er samstarfsverkefni EFLU og norrænu háskólanna DTU, KTH, NTNU og Aalto, styrkt af Nordic Innovation. Markmið verkefnisins er tvenns konar; annars vegar að efla og fræða ungt fólk um hringrásarhugsun í starfsemi fyrirtækja og hins vegar tengja ungt fólk og fyrirtæki saman í gegnum verkefni og vinnustofur. Með þessum aðferðum er markmiðið að hraða innleiðingu hringrásarhugsunar í starfsemi fyrirtækja.
** ReGeneration 2030 er hreyfing fyrir ungt fólk á Norðurlöndunum og Eystrasaltslöndunum og starfar undir Norrænu ráðherranefndinni. Markmið ReGeneration 2030 er að efla og virkja ungt fólk á svæðinu í að vinna í átt að sjálfbærri framtíð, m.a. í gegnum fræðslu, viðburði og leiðtogaþjálfun
* first hour of the agenda will be in English
Moderator: Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, manager of Festa
10:00 break
Panelumræður ( sjá nánar ofar á síðunni)
11:20 hlé
Beinn hlekkur á streymi: Janúarráðstefna Festu on Vimeo
Festa would like to thank the following members for their support of Festa's January Conference 2022:
Main sponsors
Along with: