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27. 04 2021 - 10:30-12:00

Festa - BYKO relationship meeting

@Electronic event

BYKO invites Festa's member associations to a networking meeting on April 27 at 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.

In recent years, BYKO has implemented an ambitious environmental strategy that is implemented in all of the company's core activities. BYKO has also linked the United Nations' Global Goals to strategic planning and actions.

  • Forstjóri BYKO, Sigurður Pálsson, mun fjalla um ábyrgð BYKO á byggingarmarkaðnum og velta fyrir sér hver ábyrgð fyrirtækja almennt sem og stjórnvalda er gagnvart loftlagsbreytingum .

  • Berglind Ósk Ólafsdóttir verkefnastjóri umhverfismála mun kynna hvaða aðgerðir hafa verið hrintar af stað í átt að sjálfbærni

    Please note the meeting is only open to Festu members. Registration is required - a link to the meeting will be sent to registered meeting attendees.

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