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10. 03 2021 - 10:00 - 11:00

Young Voices for Sustaina­bility in the Pri­vate Sector

@Electronic event

Festa presents the results of a stakeholder conversation that the company had with young people about their position on the sustainability of business travel.

Since early 2019, Festa has made a special effort to call for increased cooperation with young people both in our projects and events. Since then, young people have been involved in planning, giving talks or presenting innovative projects at all the events that Festa has held. From November 2020 to January 2021, I was an intern at Festa doing stakeholder analysis for our community. The starting point was: What do young people (16-30 years old) think is important when it comes to the sustainability of Icelandic companies?

Interviews were conducted with a diverse group of young people, most of whom are in charge or on the boards of different youth associations or who work in the field of sustainability in another way. Questions were asked that both concern them as consumers and as future employees.

The analysis was carried out by intern Pauline Langbehn, as part of her master's studies at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenberg in Germany. Pauline conducted detailed interviews with fourteen young people and compiled a report from the interviews which we now want to make available to our member associations.

To present the results, we invite you to a one-hour meeting where Pauline will present the project and we will hear from two of the young people who participated. Questions will be opened after the short presentations. The meeting will take place in English, March 3 at 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. via Zoom (we will send a reminder and the link the day before to registered meeting attendees).

Við erum stolt af þessu verkefni og teljum þetta geta verið mikilvægt innlegg í vegferð aðildarfélaga Festu. Eins og fram kom hjá ólíkum stjórnendum sem tóku þátt í panelumræðum á Janúarráðstefnunni þá leggja ungmenni í dag mikla áherslu á sjálfbærni þegar þau velja sér vinnustaði, lífeyrissjóði og fyrirtæki til að eiga viðskipti við. Líkt og John McArthur, forstjóri Stofnunar um sjálfbæra þróun hjá Brookings, lagði til í sínu erindi sjá hér) þá er komið að við því að við undirbúum ekki aðeins ungt fólk fyrir framtíðina, heldur vinnum markvisst með þeim að áskorunum samtímans.

    The event is only open to members of Festa. The meeting will be held in English

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