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03. 06 2021 - 10:30-12:00

Festa – Eimskip relations meeting

@Electronic event

Eimskip invites you to Festa's last networking meeting before the summer holidays

    June 3 8:30 – 10:00 Electronic meeting

It will be discussed how Eimskip approaches sustainability issues in its operations.

Einnig verða rædd þau fjölmörgu tækifæri og áskoranir sem blasa við flutningafyrirtækjum um þessar mundir í tengslum við sjálfbærni.

As always at Festa's networking meetings, there will be a good time for open conversation.

    Please note the meeting is only open to Festu members. Registration is required - a link to the meeting will be sent to registered meeting attendees.

 Vilhelm Már Þorsteinsson forstjóri Eimskips og Agla Huld Þórarinsdóttir sjálfbærnisérfræðingur fara yfir sjálfbærni vegferð félagsins á síðustu árum.

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