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25. 03 2021 - 09:30-11:00

Festa - Icelandair Group networking meeting

@Electronic event

Icelandair Group býður aðildarfélögum Festu til rafræns tengslafundar í mars.

Á fundinum munum við ræða stöðu málefna sem tengjast samfélagsábyrgð hjá Icelandair í kjölfar krefjandi árs í flugrekstri, t.d. varðandi ábyrga virðiskeðju, heilsu og öryggi farþega á tímum heimsfaraldurs og umhverfismál.

As always at our networking meetings at Festa, there will be a good space for conversation.

    The meeting will take place via remote meeting equipment and registered meeting attendees will be sent a link. Please note that the meeting is only open to employees of Festa member organizations.

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