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20. 10 2022 - 10:30-12:00

Contact meeting

Festu – Öl­gerð­in


Gróthálsi 7-11

Ölgerðin invites the members of Festa to a networking meeting.

Andri Þór Guðmundsson forstjóri Ölgerðarinnar og Málfríður Guðný Kolbeinsdóttir leiðtogi sjálfbærni og umbóta munu þar taka á móti gestum.

Ölgerðin's strategy for the next few years has four focal points, namely growth, digital development, diversity and sustainability. The entire company works according to this policy and the goals and results contained in it will be reviewed. It will be discussed how these focuses support the company's future vision of becoming the first choice of all stakeholders

Special attention will be paid to sustainability and diversity at Ölgerðinn. Ölgerðin works purposefully towards a sustainable company and works according to the Science Based Targets (SBTi) methodology. Ölgerðin has committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2040 and has set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions aimed at keeping global warming within 1.5°C until the year 2030. We will review what actions the company has already taken and what actions must be done in order to reach the goal. Ölgerðin is also part of the balanced scale and has been systematically working to improve a culture that supports equal opportunities.

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