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28. 09 2022 - 13:00-14:00
How can companies use the methodology of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) to assess and report risks and opportunities related to climate issues in operations?
How will TCFD support companies when it comes to adapting to the changing laws and regulations that are currently in place.
TCFD is a tool that all companies can use, it can be scaled to both the size of companies and the sector in which they operate.
Vilborg Einarsdóttir owner and founder of BravoEarth, Kristján Rúnar Kristjánsson director of risk management at Íslandsbanki and Vicky Preibisch Sustainability Excellence Manager at Marel lead meetings and share their experience and knowledge when it comes to TCFD - guidelines for climate issues and risk management.
Vilborg Einarsdóttir, Vicky Preibisch and Kristján Rúnar Kristjánsson
Vilborg has advised a number of companies on its use, as well as having set up a concise system related to the implementation of TCFD in operations.
Bæði Marel og Íslandsbanki hafa nýtt sér TCFD um nokkuð skeið til að meta og greina frá sínum áhættum og tækifærum tengdum loftslagsmálum í sínum rekstri. Þá eru fyrirtækin hluti af samstarfi Nordic CEO´s for a Sustainable Future en hópurinn hefur staðið að útgáfu leiðbeininga, Climate Risk Management – a guide to get started. sem styður við TCFD og verður það kynnt á fundinum.
You can read more about TCFD here: Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures | TCFD) (fsb-tcfd.org).