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25. 11 2021 - 10:00-17:00
The Nordic Circular Summit is a four-day digital summit exploring the circular economy in the Nordic region, hosted from the city of Copenhagen in 2021. Join us to learn about the region’s tremendous circular opportunities — with events offering insight, discussions, news and forecasts on topics like circular cities, ocean solutions, fashion and home furnishings, business and finance, food, energy, manufacturing and much more.
The Nordic Circular Summit is co-hosted and produced by Nordic Circular Hotspot and Nordic Innovation, and is an official World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) Side Event. To achieve dialogue and cooperation across generations we are honoured to have the youth organisations ReGeneration 2030 and project CATALY(C)ST from DTU Skylab as official Nordic Circular Summit Partners
Nordic Circular Hotspot og Nordic Innovation bjóða í annað árið í röð til hringrásar ráðstefnu, NORDIC CIRCULAR SUMMIT, þar sem við fáum til okkar leiðtoga og sérfræðinga í hinu norræna hringrásarkerfi.
Icelanders have several powerful representatives there and Festa will be managing several events.
Þetta er viðburður sem engin sem vinnu að hringrás á einn eða annan hátt má láta fram hjá sér fara. Dagskráin er fjölbreytt og grafið á dýptina í ólík málefni.