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10. 03 2022 - 11:00-12:30
Festa members are invited to participate in an educational meeting organized by CSR Europe, an organization that Festa together with 38 similar companies from Europe.
"Due Diligence Law", a new law from the European Union, is the topic of discussion at an educational meeting that will take place on March 10. The law addresses the obligations imposed on companies when it comes to the impact their operations have on human rights and nature throughout the value chain (see below in English).
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of global supply chains and dramatically worsened the living conditions of miners, farmers, and workers around the world. Recovering fully from the effects of the pandemic will require a deep change, towards a value chain that safeguards the environment, human rights and is inclusive towards local communities.
To foster this change, the European Commission and several Governments around the world have started and/or accelerated the process to create mandatory due diligence obligations for companies to address the human rights and environmental impacts in their global supply chains.
At EU level this process started with the publication in February 2020 of a study on options for regulating due diligence requirements through the supply chain, which highlighted that voluntary regimes across Europe had failed to change the way businesses managed their corporate governance responsibilities. As a consequence, in April 2020 Didier Reynders, the European Commissioner for Justice, announced that the European Commission would introduce new legislation on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence for companies.
Building on the results of a public consultation which ended in February 2021 and the non-binding recommendations from the European Parliament in March 2021, the European Commission published this new legislative proposal on 23rd February 2022.