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31. 08 2022 - 13:00-15:00

How will the EU Taxonomy and the Tran­sparency Act af­fect the Nordic reg­i­on

@Electronic event

“The Taxonomy and further EU regulations will, in the coming years, increasingly impact how business is funded and run. This event will explore taxonomy, transparency and circularity: regulatory impact on the Nordic economy, with a focus on the EU taxonomy and the Transparency act”

Við sem stöndum að Nordic Circular Hotspot bjóðum til fyrsta norræna fræðsluviðburðar haustsins núna síðasta dag ágúst mánaðar.

There, Nordic experts will discuss the impact of the new European sustainability legislation, the EU Taxonomy, on companies in the Nordic countries. Among the participants is Helga Melkorka Óttarsdóttir, attorney and owner of Logos, while Logos is one of our member companies at Festa. Helga Melkorka is one of our leading experts when it comes to sustainability legislation and what lies ahead.

Helga Melkorka Óttarsdóttir

    All further information and registration for the events can be found here. The event is open to everyone

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