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14. 09 2022 - 10:30-12:00

Tengsla­fund­ur Festu – Júní

@Bolholt 8

Júní býður aðildarfélögum Festu til tengslafundur í september.

Júní's priorities in environmental matters will be discussed, how the company works towards positive environmental effects in the digital world.
Guðmundur Bjarni Sigurðsson, design director, will discuss what Júní has done to influence environmental issues and discuss Júní's environmental policy.
Þórhildur Edda Gunnarsdóttir, consultant and manager, reviews the main priorities in management and consulting for companies on a digital journey that leads to better environmental considerations.

    Júní website - tomorrow's digital solutions: Júní (juni.is) Please note that the meeting is only open to Festu members Light refreshments will be served
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