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29. 04 2021 - 11:00-13:00
Félag löggiltra endurskoðenda (FLE) og Festa – miðstöð um samfélagsábyrgð og sjálfbærni, bjóða til samtals um sjálfbærni í rekstri, skýrslugjöf og mikilvægi staðfestinga á sjálfbærni upplýsingum hjá fyrirtækjum.
A large and rapid development is taking place regarding the implementation of and information on sustainability in the operation of companies in Iceland and abroad. Companies in Iceland are thirsty for clear guidelines on how to provide information and confirm sustainability in operations.
The meeting will be streamed in real time on April 29, at 9-11 and registration is open until 15 the day before. Free admission offered by FLE. FLE members note that the meeting provides 2 continuing education units in the tax and corporate law category. The meeting will then also be streamed directly on Viðkispablaðin's website, www.vb.is.
Here is the link to the stream.
Chaired by Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, Festa's manager.
Corporate disclosure of sustainability Margrét Pétursdóttir, auditor at EY, reviews current legal requirements, regulatory options and expected developments in the coming periods in terms of presentation and independent confirmations.
Marketer's experience / (The experience of disclosure and sustainability confirmations)
Spurningar og svör Margrét, Reynir og Marta
Stefnumörkun og mælanleg markmið
Bjarni Herrera, í sjálfbærniteymi KPMG, fjallar um sjálfbærni út frá sjónarhóli stefnumörkunar og mælanlegra markmiða. Bjarni svarar spurningum í lokin.
Pallborð – Eru ófjárhagslegar upplýsingar „ófjárhagslegar“? – Gunnar Sveinn Magnússon, sjálfbærnileiðtogi EY, Sæmundur Sæmundsson, forstjóri Eflu, Harpa Theódórsdóttir, sérfræðingur í Atvinnuvega- og nýsköpunarráðuneytinu, Björgvin Ingi Ólafsson, ráðgjafi á sviði stefnumótunar og sjálfbærni hjá Deloitte.