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19. 01 2023 - 12:00-13:00

Deiglufund­ur – Upp­hit­un fyr­ir Janú­ar­ráð­stefnu Festu

@Electronic event

Festa's January conference is the company's biggest annual event, and this year we invite member companies to a special warm-up. This year, the conference is entitled - Let's look inside

This year's program is impressive and can be accessed here, but this is the tenth time the conference has been held.

There will be three different discussion rooms / breakout rooms in the middle of the program, with three different focuses that we would like to present to you especially at the crucible meeting. They are:

    Sustainability-ingenuity and the enriching cycle. Think leading innovation that supports the circular economy, sustainability and restoration of ecosystems. Laws and regulations. Introducing the main things that small, medium and large companies need to prepare for when it comes to comprehensive legal changes ahead. Sustainability information. Let's map the recent changes in corporate sustainability reporting requirements, affecting companies of all sizes across the value chain.

At the crucible meeting you get an insight into what the topics involve and you can form an opinion on which discussion room you want to attend at the conference, but the guests of the conference choose the discussion rooms in advance.

In the last few months, we have brought in dozens of experts who have contributed their insight, knowledge and experience and shaped the content with us.

Festa's general manager Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir will chair the meeting and will bring Festa's chairman Tómas Möller, Festa's vice-chairman Aðalheiði Snæbjarnardóttir and Margrét Ormslev, head of operations at Transition labs, who will lead the panel sessions at the conference. Then Hrund will present the full program of the conference and set the tone for what is to come.

    Thursday 19 January 11:00 - 12:00 Electronic meeting - zoom link sent to registered participants Please note that crucible meetings are only open to Festa member companies Ticket sales for the January Conference can be obtained here: Tix.is - Festa January Conference 2023

Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, Festa's managing director, and Tómas Möller, Festa's chairman

Aðalheiður Snæbjarnadóttir varaformaður Festu og Margrét Ormslev, yfirmaður rekstrar hjá Transition labs

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