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18. 09 2023 - 08:30-10:00

Connection meeting Festa – Clapper

@Hlíðarsmári 3

Klappir taka á móti aðildarfélögum Festu á Tengslafundi félagsins

Tækifæri til að heyra hvernig reynsluboltar sem hafa starfað í áratug í sjálfbærnmálum tækla áskoranir í tengslum við sjálfbærnivegferðina.

Klappir þróa hugbúnaðarlausnir fyrir fyrirtæki, fjárfesta og opinbera aðila sem gerir gerir þeim kleift að safna, halda utan um og miðla upplýsingum tengdum sjálfbærni til þess að mæta síauknum kröfum laga og samfélagsins í heild.

At the networking meeting, Jón Ágúst Þorsteinsson, Klappa's CEO, will present the company's operations and the sustainability journey that has characterized its history until now. Þorsteinn Svanur Jónsson reviews the legal environment of sustainability-disclosure in Iceland today, the changes that can be expected in the near future and the challenges that new legislation from the EU brings, and Klappa's friendly software will meet them. Then Kristinn Logi Auðunsson will review the main sustainability indicators of the company.

Klappir has been developing software solutions with environmental issues and sustainability as a guiding principle for about a decade. Klappa's software solutions and service offerings offered to customers are constantly evolving. Klappir focuses on continuous and clear data collection, data management and transparency of sustainability information. Clapper has enabled customers to work with suppliers in a digital ecosystem that makes it easy for them to communicate and share sustainability data with each other.

Klapp's goal is to create long-term value for customers, employees, shareholders, partners and society as a whole. We have always placed great emphasis on the integration of environment, social factors and governance (UFS) with economic considerations in our own operations, products and services.

● The meeting will take place at Klappa's offices, Hlíðasmára 3, 201 Kópavogur, on Monday, September 18 at 8:30-10:00 ● Light refreshments will be served.

  • Tengslafundir Festu eru eingöngu opnir aðildarfélögum
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