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28. mars 2023

Crucible meeting – Moving to a low carbon economy

Festa's member companies met at an electronic Crucible Meeting on March 8. At the meeting, KPMG Iceland's sustainability consultants presented the report "Carbon neutrality - Leap from goals to actions", which is about how we set up a targeted action plan towards carbon neutrality in operations. It is about the actions that we undertake *before* it is time to buy certified units for carbon offsets, as was done at the last Crucible Meeting. The report itself can be accessed here.

Two more member companies spoke about their journey towards carbon neutrality, Jóhanna Hlín Auðunsdóttir, Director of Climate and Environment at Landsvirkjun and Guðmundur Halldórsson, Director of Tea and Coffee. The companies are different and vary in size, but both have a clear strategy and put a lot of emphasis on identifying challenges and opportunities in this regard. As Guðmundur said at the meeting:

"no one can do everything, but everyone can do something."

Crucible meetings are electronic meetings where we tackle issues that are relevant and urgent in the world of sustainability. We discuss what's in the crucible - and that's why we call these meetings Crucible Meetings. Festa's member companies use this platform to share their journey, knowledge and challenges with others.

It is also nice to report that there was a record attendance at this Crucible meeting.

Tengslafundur hjá Íslandsbanka

Íslandsbanki invited Festa's member companies to a Relationship Meeting on March 22. It was a great turnout – a full house.

Íslandsbanki has introduced sustainability thinking into all of the bank's activities, and it can be said that there is a great awareness and interest in sustainability among management and staff. An interdisciplinary group of staff sits on the bank's sustainability committee, which is one of the bank's core committees, where the bank manager is the chairman of the committee.

Having sustainability as part of the way of working in the bank gives the bank an increased competitive advantage and has increased customer satisfaction. The bank's managers also feel an increased interest in the issue among people who apply for jobs at the bank. This policy therefore helps the bank to attract qualified staff.

Íslandsbanki has set a goal of carbon neutrality for the year 2040 and includes all of the bank's lending activities in those goals.

Thanks for the lively discussions and the great Network Meeting!

Among the things that were discussed was the so-called "matter of the issues" - but companies are facing significant changes in terms of sustainability laws and disclosure. We recently published a roadmap on this.

„Við eigum að þora að tala um það sem skiptir máli, þó við séum ekki fullkomin“

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