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April 26, 2021

Festa's 2021 general meeting

Festa's general meeting took place in Reykjavík University premises on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. JCI in Iceland was in charge of meeting management, just like in previous years.

Tómas N. Möller, Festa's chairman, and Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, managing director, presented Festa's annual report for 2020 - which can be accessed here. In the report, you can find out what took place at Festa in 2020 in both words and pictures, what were the main projects, events and priorities. The report can truly be read for both benefit and pleasure - a slavishly entertaining read.

The meeting was preceded by a proposal for changes to Festa's bylaws, and they were all approved. You can learn more about these changes here.

There was a voluntary election in the board of Festa, but three vacant seats were elected. The people who now take a seat in the company's board of directors are:

    Arnar Másson, chairman of MarelJón Geir Péturrson, associate professor at the University of Iceland Ægir Már Þórisson CEO of Advania.

Then Tómas N. Möller was re-elected as chairman of Festa.

Áfram sitja í stjórn:

    Aðalheiður Snæbjarnardóttir - Landsbanken Erla Tryggvadóttir - VÍHRefna Briem - University of Reykjvík Ingibjörg Ólafsdóttir - Terra

  Ægir Már Þórisson, Arnar Másson og Jón Geir Péturrson

 Tómas N. Möller

„Við þurfum að vinna saman að settum markmiðum, sýna áræðni og framsýni. Það er ekki eftir neinu að bíða. Tómas N. Möller formaður Festu“

Árskýrslu Festu fyrir árið 2020 má nálgast hér.

Festa would especially like to thank Katrína Edda Möller for the graphic design of the report.

They are Sæmundur Sæmundsson, who has been on Festa's board for the last four years, of which he served as vice-chairman for one year, Gunnar Sveinn Magnússon and Gestur Pétursson, who are leaving Festa's board, and Festa thanks them very much for their enthusiasm and knowledge suggested by his participation in the board.

Festa's board and staff, from right: Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, Aðalheiður Snæbjarnardóttir, Gunnar Sveinn Magnússon, Sæmundur Sæmundsson, Gestur Pétusson, Ingibjörg Ólafsdóttir, Harpa Júlíusdóttir - in front, Hrefna Briem, Tómas N. Möller and Erla Tryggvadóttir

"The message is clear: sustainable business is a huge business opportunity and the only way to a bright future for future generations. Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, manager of Festa"

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