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27. 04 2021 - 18:00 - 19:00

Festa's 2021 general meeting

@University of Reykjavík #M 201

Festa – center for social responsibility, invites to the general meeting

  • Tímasetning: 27.apríl 2021, kl 16:00
  • Staðsetning: Háskólinn í Reykjavík, stofa M201
  • Athugið að farið verður að fullu eftir gildandi sóttvarnarreglum og fundargestum hólfað í sóttvarnarhólf í samræmi við gildandi fjöldatakmarkanir.

  • Skráning er nauðsynleg og lokað verður fyrir skráningu sólarhring fyrir fund. Vegna sóttvarnaráðstafna getum við einungis tekið á móti skráðum fundargestum. Athugið að senda má beiðni um skráningu að loknum skráningarfresti á festa@samfelagsabyrgd.is

  • Skráðir fundargestir sem ekki sjá sér fært að mæta eru beðnir um að tilkynna forföll til skrifstofu Festu (festa@samfelagsabyrgd.is)

Agenda of the meeting:
    Election of chairman and meeting secretary Report of the board of directors Accounts of the past financial year Changes to the company's articles of association Election of the board of directors and chairman Election of a certified public accountant Determination of the membership fee Other matters

Members who are free of debt to the company one week before the meeting have the right to attend the general meeting and have both voting rights and the right to vote.

The registered contact person of each member association has the right to vote on behalf of the respective association. Members may authorize another representative to attend the general meeting and exercise their voting rights in return for a written, dated power of attorney.

According to paragraph 1 Article 13 of the current articles of association, proposals for changes to the company's articles of association must be sent to the chairman, tomas@live.is, and the managing director, hrund@samfelagsabyrgd.is, of the company no later than four weeks before the company's general meeting, i.e. March 30, and they will take care of forwarding them to members, no later than 3 weeks before the general meeting, i.e. April 6. 2/3 of the votes at the general meeting are required to approve changes for them to take effect.

The board's proposals for changes to the articles of association are available, as well as explanations of those proposals. Those proposals can be found here.

The board requests candidates for the board, applications must be received by April 20, 2020 at the latest. Those interested are asked to contact the election committee, which is made up of: Thröstur Olaf Sigurjónsson and Ásthildur Margrét Otharsdóttir, applications should be sent to the email address tæsvej@samfelagsabyrgd.is . *addendum - the recommendations of the election committee can be found below

Attach invitations to the general meeting


Tillögur kjörnefndar að nýjum stjórnarmönnum eru eftirfarandi:

To the Chairman:

    Tómas N. Möller, chief legal officer of the Shopkeepers' Pension Fund and current chairman of Festa


    Ægir Már Þórisson, CEO of AdvaniaJón Geir Pétursson, associate professor at the University of IcelandArnar Másson, chairman of Marel's board

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