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03. December 2021

Voices from Festa's community

It is valuable for the society as a whole when representatives of companies and organizations engage in dialogue and progress and share their knowledge and vision through writing and education.

Festa's member associations are a unique, powerful and diverse group, but they now number 163.

Further down in this post, you can access direct links to articles from representatives of our member associations between September and November 2021. You can also access links to articles published by Festa staff during the period.

Over the course of the season, Festa has shared them on the company's social media. It can be assumed that this is not an exhaustive list and that we have missed something, we accept all suggestions with great thanks.

Articles and news

* note that the direct link is behind the title of each article

    Sustainability disclosure and stranded assets

    Elections 2021: Incentives, clear messages and more targeted work are needed Eva Margrét Ægisdóttir, LEX law firm

    We know more than enough Guðbjörg Lára Másdóttir, Festu

    Að stunda KintsugiMaarit Kaipainen, Festu

    A better earth is the best place to live Guðbjörg Lára Másdóttir, Festu

    Orkuveita Reykjavíkur's green bond taught at IESE in Barcelona Guðrún Erla Jónsdóttir, OR

    580 billion from pension funds in climate-related investmentsTómas N Möller, Lífeyrissjöður Verslunarmanna

    Sustainability and profit maximization Helga Melkorka Óttarsdóttir and Arnar Sveinn Harðarson, Logos

    Can carbon markets save Iceland's climate goals?

    Let's open the gates for the changing economy of the future Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, Festu

    We need to find a place for everyone on the field

    The carbon footprint of food - a solution to support a sustainable food system and improved health? Alma Stefánsdóttir and Stefán Örn Snæbjörnsson, Young environmentalists

    Nýju föt's queen Maarit Kaipainen, Festu


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