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09. 06 2022 - 10:30-12:00
The sustainability journey and priorities of Sjóvá, projects in damage processing and social reporting will be discussed.
Sigríður Vala Halldórsdóttir, Director of Finance and IT, reviews Sjóvá's priorities and opportunities for success. Hjalti Þór Guðmundsson, director of vehicle damage, Ólafur Þór Ólafsson, director of property damage, and Friðrik Helgi Árnason, expert in property damage, talk about projects in claims processing and sustainable travel
Marketing expert Halldóra Ingimarsdóttir reviews the main results of the social report that was published recently and can be viewed here: https://www.sjova.is/um-okkur/samfelagsleg-abyrgd/samfelagsskyrsla-2021/.
Pálín Dögg Helgadóttir, project manager in the CEO's office, leads the meeting