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18. júni 2021
Sendum ykkur kæru lesendur inn í sumarfríið með ótal hugmyndum af hugvíkkandi sjálfbærni efni, en í júní leiðaranum leggur Hrund til fjölbreytt áhugavert efni til að auðga sumarfríið með.
"Sustainability also applies to ourselves. Let alone regenerative sustainability – consciously nourishing the mind, heart and body regularly in order to show up full of life, fruitful thinking and even stronger than before for the game after the summer holidays."
Then we introduce a new employee, Maarit Kaipainen, who is the guest pen of the month. Embarrassingly excited, Maarit tells us about green Monopoly, a big step by the International Energy Agency and recycled nylon tights.
In the newsletter you can also read about the Nordic Circular Arena, the Community Report of the year and Festa's events.