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27. janúar 2022

Membership 2022 together with Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir from Festa and Bergthóra Hlíðkvist Skúladóttir from Össur

Í upphafi árs 2021 setti Festa á laggirnar Aðildi – fellowship prógram sem felur í sér aðild að Festu í eitt ár. Markmiðið er að læra af leiðandi fyrirtækjum og stofnunum á sviði sjálfbærni og samfélagsábyrgðar í íslensku atvinnulífi og nýta þekkinguna í verkefnum í námi.

In the year 2022, Aðildi is a joint project between Festa and Össur, but Össur is a leading international company in the field of health technology and was a founding member of Festa in 2011. Össur has worked systematically on sustainability and environmental issues ever since and reached the milestone of becoming carbon neutral in 2021

In the year 2022, there are 9 university students participating in the Aðilda group. These are students who are passionate about sustainability and the circular economy, questioning critically, philosophically and with a mission for development in today's world

Aðildi 2022

    Ragnheiður SigurgeirsdóttirMatthildur María RafnsdóttirKristófer AndersenThórunn GuðmundsdóttirMargrét Edda MagnúsdóttirLára PortalBirgitta ÁsbjörnsdóttirNína María MagnúsdóttirHrefna Guðmundsdóttir
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