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31. 03 2022 - 10:30 - 12:00

Tengsla­fund­ur – Líf­eyr­is­sjóð­ur versl­un­ar­manna

@Hilton Nordica - Salur E

*fullbókað er á fundinn – áhugasöm mega endilega senda okkur línu á harpa@samfelagsabyrgd.is og við tökum inn af biðlista ef pláss losnar

Lífeyrissjóður verzlunarmanna (LV) tekur á móti aðildarfélögum Festu á tengslafundi

LV emphasizes sustainability in operations and investment activities. The meeting will review LV's sustainability journey and LV's focus on the sustainability of the fund's operations. The recent policy on responsible investments and the policy on the exclusion of assets from the fund's portfolios will also be presented.

Tómas N. Möller og Arne Vagn Olsen taka á móti hópnum.

    Tómas is the director of the legal department and sustainable integration in LV's operations

  • Arne er forstöðumaður eignastýringar

    The meeting will take place at the Hilton Reykjavík Nordica (Hall E) on Thursday, March 31 between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Light refreshments will be served. Please note that link meetings are only open to Festu members Registration is required

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