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October 21, 2022
Fasteignafélagið Reginn hlaut sérstök hvatningarverðlaun Festu og Creditinfo fyrir framúrskarandi sjálfbærni sem voru veitt á árlegum viðburði Creditinfo tileinkuðum framúrskarandi fyrirtækjum á Íslandi. Á viðburðinum var sérstök áhersla lögð á sjálfbærni, enda er það vegferð sem sífellt fleiri fyrirtæki eru að leggja áherslu á í rekstri sínum.
The jury consisted of Erla Tryggvadóttir, communication director of VÍS, Jón Geir Pétursson, associate professor in environmental and natural resources studies, and Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir, user researcher at Reykjavík City's service and innovation department and founder of SPJARA. When evaluating companies, various factors related to sustainable operations and how they contribute to a positive impact on society and the environment are taken into account.
Regin formulated a sustainability policy in 2019 that addressed environmental, social and economic aspects and set measurable goals. The company has systematically worked to reduce the environmental impact of its properties, certified three of its largest with BREEAM certification and offers green leases where the lessee sets green, measurable goals. Reginn was also the largest issuer of green bonds on the domestic market last year, apart from public entities. Regin also received a good rating in Reitunar's UFS assessment last year, or 80 points out of 100, which is the highest rating a real estate company has ever received. According to Regin, this sustainability strategy does little to strengthen the company's long-term profitability.
Festa wishes Regin the best of luck with this recognition - well done indeed!
The jury: Erla Tryggvadóttir, Jón Geir Pétursson and Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir