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19. 11 2021 - 10:00-13:00

Climate meeting of Festa and Reykjavík City 2021

@Electronic event

Vision and next steps

Recordings from the meeting can be accessed here: Festa and Reykjavík City Climate Meeting 2021 – YouTube

The annual climate meeting of Festa and Reykjavík will take place on Friday, November 19 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and will be streamed directly from Harpa.

This year's meeting is prepared in consultation with the Climate Council

Fundurinn verður í beinu streymi á Vísi.is og facebook síðum Festu og Reykjavíkuborgar

Please note that due to changes in quarantine rules, we will unfortunately not be able to receive meeting guests in Harpa as planned


  • Fundarstjóri: Freyr Eyjólfsson
  • Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, formaður Ungra umhverfissinna
  • Umhverfisráðherra
  • Dagur B. Eggertsson, borgarstjóri Reykjavíkur
  • Tómas N. Möller, formaður Festu
  • Í kjölfar COP26 – Áskoranir og tækifæri fyrirtækja og fjárfesta

    Adaptation to climate change in IcelandAnna Hulda Ólafsdóttir, Head of the Office of Climate Services and AdaptationWhat is the vision for the future?Halldór Þorgeirsson, Chairman of the Climate Council


Couch chat:

Markaðurinn utan um kolefnisjöfnun. Af hverju er hann mikilvægur og hver er staðan núna?

    Guðmundur Sigbergsson, chairman of the technical committee for responsible carbon offset Guðný Nielsen, co-founder of SoGreenÍvar Örn Þrastarson, head of the implementation department at Festi Aðalheiður Snæbjarnardóttir, sustainability expert at Landsbankinn and representative of Festa in the Climate Council

United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP 26. What we take from there – key priorities and next steps

    Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, managing director of FestaHalldór Þorgeirsson, chairman of the Climate CouncilAuður Alfa Ólafsdóttir, expert in environmental and consumer affairs at ASÍ Tómas Möller, chief legal officer of the Shopkeepers' Pension Fund and chairman of Festa

The feedback and how do we report?

    Rafn Helgason, secretary of Young EnvironmentalistsHulda Þórisdóttir, docent at the University of Iceland

Delivery of the Reykjavík City and Festa Climate Approvals

    Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsdóttir and Líf Magneudóttir chairman of the jury

Loftslagsfundurinn í ár er hluti af fundarröðinni Loftslagsþrennan.

Fundaröðin mið­ar að því að tryggja að þú og þitt fyr­ir­tæki get­ið ver­ið með putt­ann á púls­in­um í gegn­um hnit­mið­aða og praktíska upp­lýs­inga­miðl­un tengda Lofts­lags­ráð­stefnu Sam­ein­uðu þjóð­anna sem fram fer í Glasgow 1-12 nóv­em­ber.

Don't miss the following events. They will both be open streamed and recordings will be available afterwards:

    October 21 at 14:00 – 16:00. "Race to carbon neutrality" Recordings from the meeting can be accessed here: Facebook

    November 24 at 9-11. "Are there business opportunities in carbon neutrality?" - EY's Sustainability Day and the Swedish Confederation of Business. In the afternoon there will be two workshops related to carbon neutrality. Registration and further information: EY and SA's Sustainability Day: Are there business opportunities in carbon neutrality? – Confederation of business

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