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14. 04 2021 - 11:00-12:00

Hver er lofts­lags­áhætt­an í þín­um rekstri?

@Electronic event

Hvernig hafa áherslur í loftslagsmálum áhrif á uppgjör, getu fyrirtækja til að laða að sér fjárfesta og bæta kjör á lánum?

A recording from the meeting can be accessed here.

How can companies use the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) to assess and report their risks and opportunities related to climate issues in their operations?

Festa, Marel and Íslandsbanki invite you to an electronic morning meeting on April 14 at 9:00 am. At the meeting, we will hear from the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Innovation and experts from Íslandsbanki and Marels about the impact and assessment of climate risk on business operations.

Let's get an insight into the journey of companies and financial institutions as well as hear from the minister about the priorities of the public sector when it comes to laws and regulations on annual accounts and information on climate issues today and in the coming seasons.


  • Fundarstjóri: Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir 

  • Fljúgum hærra – upplýsingagjöf og gagnsæi félag
  • Þórdís Kolbrún R. Gylfadóttir – ferðamála-, iðnaðar- og nýsköpunarráðherra

    How does climate risk affect companies' solvency? - investors demand answers Þorsteinn Kári Jónsson, director of sustainability and community relations at Marel, tells about Marel's journey and what the investors' reaction has been to their priorities in climate matters.

    Do climate issues affect risk management? Kristján Rúnar Kristjánsson, director of risk management at Íslandsbanki, discusses how the bank places increasing emphasis on sustainability and climate risk in both lending and internal work

  • Panelumræður – spurningar “úr sal”
  • Þorsteinn Kári og Kristján Rúnar ásamt Hörpu Theodórsdóttur sérfræðing frá Atvinnuvega- og nýsköpunarráðuneytinu sitja fyrir svörum.
  • Tekið verður við spurningum “úr sal” frá fundargestum en einnig er velkomið að senda inn fyrirspurnir fyrirfram á festa@samfelagsabyrgd.is merkt “Panel – Loftslagsáhætta”

    Moderator's summary

    Open meeting and all are welcomeExceeds the teleconferencing tool Zoom - link hereRegistered attendees will receive a meeting link sent the day before the event April 14, 9:00 - 10:00

 The TCFD is committed to market transparency and stability. We believe that better   information will allow companies to incorporate climate-related risks and opportunities   into their risk management and strategic planning processes. As this occurs, companies’   and investors’ understanding of the financial implications associated with climate change   will grow, empowering the markets to channel investment to sustainable and resilient   solutions, opportunities, and business models.

Advanced material related to the meeting - links:

    Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (fsb-tcfd.org)

    Publications | Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (fsb-tcfd.org)

    Umfjöllun um vegferð Marels: Marel has also committed to integrating the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) into Marel’s 2021 climate-risk reporting.

    Proposal for a relevant and dynamic EU sustainability reporting – a report from the European Reporting Lab (EFRAG) regarding the EU's proposal for standards regarding sustainability

    Upcoming legal changes in the area of the financial market regarding sustainability, where two EU regulations will be implemented: the regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) (2019/2088)

    Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 prescribes uniform rules for financial market participants and financial advisers on transparency with regard to the integration of risks related to sustainability.

  • Reglugerð (ESB) 2020/852 kveður á um samræmdan ramma sem stuðlar að sjálfbærum fjárfestingum. Með reglugerðinni er komið á fót flokkunarkerfi með skilgreiningum á því hvað teljist sjálfbær atvinnustarfsemi. 

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