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16. 03 2022 - 12:00-13:00
Aðildarfélögum FESTU býðst aðgangur að rafrænum fundi og samtali um þessi mikilvægu mál.
There are important changes in the deaf, new laws concerning sustainable operations, corporate financing and investor activities.
Two recent EU regulations will soon be enacted; on the one hand about business activities that meet the conditions to be considered environmentally sustainable and on the other hand about the disclosure of financial market participants about the framework of sustainability in their products. There are more rules in the water related to sustainable operations and responsible investments, such as regarding the disclosure of information by companies and the role of investors as owners.
Á Deiglufundum Festu kynnum við á klukkutíma málefni sem aðildarfélög okkar þurfa að vita af, því þau eru í hraðri þróun og hafa mikilvæg áhrif á reksturinn eða fela í sér mikilvæg tækifæri til markaðsforskots.