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28. september 2021
Nominations are requested for the climate recognition of the city of Reykjavík and Festa for 2021. You can nominate companies, non-profit organizations, institutions or individuals. Nominations must be received by October 27, but recognition will be given at the climate meeting on November 19 next in Harpa (more information about the meeting).
The aim of the recognition is to draw attention to what is being done well in climate matters and to be an incentive.
The nominations can be from the parties themselves or others.
More information and instructions on the nomination process can be found here: Looking for nominations for climate recognition | City of Reykjavík (reykjavik.is)
Árið 2020 var það Landsspítalinn sem hlaut Loftslagsviðurkenningu Reykjavíkurborgar þá hlaut Carbfix sérstaka nýsköpunar viðurkenningu
Viðurkenningin var veitt í fyrsta sinn 2017. Þau sem hafa hlotið viðurkenninguna hingað til eru: