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18. 04 2023 - 13:00-14:00

Crucible meeting – Diverse and powerful human resources

@Electronic event

At the crucible meeting, we will have an insight into the legislation that is currently being processed by the EU and relates to social aspects in the sustainability journey of companies - EU Social Taxonomy. Then we hear about the opportunities and resources available to companies when it comes to hiring people with disabilities and/or reduced work capacity.

Að lokum þá segja nokkur aðildarfélög Festu frá reynslu sinni og þekkingu þegar kemur að því að byggja upp fjölbreyttan og öflugan mannauð.

How can the business world take an active part in building a society where all individuals have the opportunity to prosper?

Sara Dögg Svanhildardóttir, verkefnastjóri samhæfingar námsframboðs og atvinnutækifæra hjá Þroskahjálp og Arnar Sveinn Harðarson, lögmaður og fulltrúi hjá LOGOS lögmannsþjónustu.


    Translation and impact of upcoming EU Social Taxonomy rules

  • Arnar Sveinn Harðarson  Lögmaður og fulltrúi hjá LOGOS lögmannsþjónustu

Hver er staðan á félagslegum hluta nýrra sjálfbærnilaga ESB – EU Social Taxonomy? Hvenær munu þau taka gildi og hvaða áhrif munu þau hafa á íslensk fyrirtæki?

    Attitudes matter.

    Sara Dögg Svanhildardóttir – Project manager for the coordination of study offer and job opportunities at Throskahjál

Are there opportunities for everyone to thrive in Icelandic business life? Career opportunities for disabled people: what resources are available and how can companies take the first steps?

    Stories from Festa's member companies

    Discussions where attendees can ask questions or talk about how they have approached these issues in their operations

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