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May 18, 2021

We are proud to present a complete educational package, for your use and free of charge. We worked on the educational package with a good group of experts and with a grant from the Climate Fund (grant number: 200235-5801).

Last year, Festa received a grant from the Climate Fund of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. Festa applied for the grant in order to prepare an educational package for small and medium-sized companies that are starting their journey in climate matters.

Now those tools and devices have seen the light of day, and it is our hope that this complete educational package together with Festa's climate meter, www.climatepulse.is, can be useful to all those who are now considering their first steps in formulating a climate policy, measuring carbon footprints and reducing release

The educational package

Instructional video where Sævar Helgi Bragason guides you step by step through the use of Festa's Climate Meter. What data do you need to measure your carbon footprint and where do you get it?

Why is it important to reduce and measure the carbon footprint from operations and where do we start? An educational video in which Festa was joined by experts from five different member associations who describe in just a few words their journey when it comes to setting a policy in climate matters and measuring the carbon footprint of operations.

Handbook for Small Businesses - Climate Policy and Carbon Footprint Measurement. Where do you start your journey and how do you ensure that actions are targeted and effective. A concise manual that is extremely easy to use.

All the data of the educational package and access to Festa's climate meter are open to everyone and free of charge.

Dr. Snjólaug Ólafsdóttir came to work on the educational package with Festa, and we thank her very much. Videos are produced by Sahara and the manual is put up by Kolofon.

"It can be simple to take big steps"

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