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10. 11 2022 - 14:00-17:00

Climate meeting of Festa and Reykjavík City 2022

@University of Iceland

Carbon neutrality 2030. How?

The annual climate meeting of Festa and the City of Reykjavík will take place on Thursday, November 10, at 13:00-16:00 in the Festival Hall of the University of Iceland. This year we promote companies that want to achieve carbon neutrality in their operations by 2030.

    10 November 13:00 – 16:00 Festival hall of the University of Iceland Light coffee refreshments will be served The event is open to all. We encourage visitors to use public transport and eco-friendly means of travel.

The climate meeting will now be held for the seventh time, but the event has created a place for itself as a platform to get to know new and practical methods in climate matters and how the city and business can work together.

The meeting was held for the first time after more than 100 CEOs of companies signed the Climate Statement of Festa and Reykjavík City, where they stated that they would reduce emissions and waste and publicly publish data about that journey.

CEOs of 11 companies signed the Climate Declaration of Festa and the City of Reykjavík together with the mayor and managing director of Festa at the beginning of the 2021 Climate Summit.

The focus of this year's meeting will be educational presentations - but we sought out the more than 170 companies/institutions that have signed the Climate Declaration when formulating this year's educational presentations.

    Why and how do we measure greenhouse gas emissions from operations? How do we define carbon neutrality in operations and what steps must be taken to achieve it? How do we measure emissions from operations and the value chain, set goals and action plans? How can public tenders and purchases contribute to carbon neutrality? What's in store for businesses when it comes to waste issues and new circular economy laws? Intriguing case studies – Companies moving purposefully towards carbon neutrality

The youth representative will open the meeting and set the tone with his address. After that, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate, will take the floor, but he will attend the United Nations Climate Conference, COP27, in the days after the meeting. The mayor, Dagur B. Eggertsson, will then present what lies ahead in the mission to carbon neutrality by 2030. Tómas N. Möller, chairman of Festa, will then conclude the first part of the program with an address


    Moderator: Nanna Elísa Jakobsdóttir Business Director at the Industry and Intellectual Property Department at the Confederation of IndustryStefán Örn Snæbjörnsson, elected Young Environmentalist 2021-2022 by Young Environmentalists Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate Dagur B. Eggertsson Mayor of ReykjavíkTómas N. Möller Chairman of Festa
  • Kaffihlé 13:45 – 14:00
  • Kolefnishlutleysi í rekstri – hvað er það og hvernig forðumst við grænþvott? Birgitta Steingrímsdóttir, sérfræðingur í teymi hringrásarhagkerfisins hjá Umhverfisstofnun
    Public procurement and tenders - how can priorities and obligations in public tenders be used in the journey to carbon neutrality? Gyða Mjöll Ingólfsdóttir, project manager for environmental affairs at the construction and maintenance office at the Environment and Planning Department of the City of Reykjavík
    We have set ourselves a goal of carbon neutrality - what are we doing? Case studies of companies that have signed the Climate Declaration of Festa and Reykjavík City.
    The Science Based Targets Initiative methodology – MarelÞorsteinn Kári Jónsson, director of sustainability and community relations

    Carbon neutral production and certification from B-corporation – 66° NorðurBjarney Harðardóttir, Head of Brand

    How do we measure emissions from operations and the value chain and put forward an action plan? Sigurpáll Ingibergsson, quality manager at Vínbúðinn and representative of Festa's Climate Meter expert group

    The big and important task – Implementing a circular economy. Corporate waste issues. Freyr Eyjólfsson – circular economy project manager at Sorpa

    Case studies of companies that have signed the Climate Declaration of Festa and Reykjavík City.
    Carbon neutrality in concrete - HornsteinnSigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, Director of Environmental Affairs

    The role of digital services towards carbon neutrality – JúníGuðmundur Sigurðsson, design manager

Before the program begins, the companies that have joined as participants in the Climate Statement this year will officially sign together with the mayor and the manager of Festa.

Here you can find out what is included in the declaration and join the group of powerful companies that have signed: Loftslagmarkðim - Festa (samfelagsbyrgd.is)

Climate meeting 2021. Photos: Eggert Jóhannsson

Reykjavík has been chosen as one of 112 cities in Europe to set an example for other European cities on how to speed up the road to carbon neutrality by 2030. As a powerful and progressive economy, we can support each other on that journey and share tools/ tools and experience.

Like last year, we are joining the November sustainability event of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions and EY in Iceland, which are our member companies at Festa.

Sjálfbærnidagur atvinnulífsins fer fram þann 23. nóvember og er opin öllum. Í ár er áherslan á virðiskeðjuna og þau áhrif sem starfsemi fyrirtækja hefur á mannréttindi þeirra sem koma að henni.

All detailed information here: Sustainability day for the economy and EY (sa.is).

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