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25. febrúar 2021
On Friday, February 26, 2021, 20 companies and organizations signed the Climate Declaration of Festa and Hornafjörður Municipality. Mayor Matthildur Ásmundardóttir then signed the declaration on behalf of the Municipality of Hornafjörður. The signing took place in the Nýheimi knowledge center and in live streaming. At the meeting, a new strategy for the Municipality of Hornafjörður with a focus on the implementation of the United Nations' global goals was presented and a video about the municipality's environmentally friendly priorities was premiered.
The climate declaration was developed by Festa and the City of Reykjavík and was first signed in Höfða in 2015 by CEOs of over one hundred companies and organizations on the eve of the Paris Climate Conference (COP21). The participation exceeded expectations, attracted attention on the international stage and was presented at the aforementioned conference in 2015. Since then, more companies have joined the group. In 2019, the town of Akureyri joined the group and the town's companies and institutions signed a climate declaration on Nature Day, September 16, 2019.
By signing, parties commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing waste, and ultimately measuring and publishing results. To support this journey, Festa offers a climate meter that is accessible to everyone free of charge.
We heartily congratulate the signatories on this important step and look forward to participating in the next steps towards carbon neutrality – the signatories are:
At the event in Hornafjörður today, Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, Festa's managing director, presented devices and tools that support the use of Festa's Climate Meter. The most important thing to mention here is an instructional video that goes through the use of the meter step by step, goes over what data is needed to measure emissions and where it can be obtained - see here. In addition, Festa has compiled the experiences of five companies that signed the 2015 Festa and Reykjavík City Climate Statement, where their representatives describe their journey and offer advice to those who are starting their journey - see here. In the coming weeks, the company will then publish a handbook for those parties who are working to set a policy in climate matters and start measuring emissions.
Festa's climate meter can be accessed at Festa's Climate Pulse (climatepulse.is) and in Excel format on Festa's Climate Targets - Festa website (samfelagsbyrgd.is).