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23. 03 2023 - 10:00-17:00
Joint event of Rannís, Grænvang, Orkustofun and Festa.
Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of Climate Affairs, will address the guests and open the event. This will be followed by speeches by the relatives of the event. Short presentations of the main funds and grant opportunities available to Icelanders in this field are mixed with micro-stories of people who have successful experience of applying for funds for green projects. After the presentations, the Scholarship Meeting takes place, where participants can book micro-meetings to get to know each other, learn and explore the possibility of cooperation in the future. Here it would be ideal to discuss specific grants with experts or introduce new green projects.
Moderator: Anna Margrét Kornelíusdóttir, Icelandic New Energy
08:30 Húsið opnar
09:00 Address from the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate
09:20 Speeches by the event's relatives and speeches by beneficiaries
10.30 Kaffi
11:00 Presentations on foreign funds
12:00 Hádegisverður
13:00 Briefings of beneficiaries and presentations of national funds
14.30 Dating begins. 15-minute sessions last 1.5 hours.
16:00 Light refreshments at the end of the day
Fyrirtæki, sveitarfélög, stofnanir ofl. sem:
Anyone can see all participants and registrations regardless of whether the person
hafi skráð sig eða ekki.
Viðburðurinn er haldinn af Grænvangi, RANNÍS, Festu,
Orkustofnun og Umhverfis-, orku- og loftslagsráðuneyti.
Nánari upplýsingar veita Kamma Thordarson á kamma@green.is og Gyða
Einarsdóttir at gyda.einarsdottir@rannis.is