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08 June 2021
From the presentation of the awards in 2021. Svanhildur Hólm, Director of the Icelandic Chamber of Commerce, Gunnhildur Arnarsdóttir, Director of Stýrnvísi, Hörður Arnarson, CEO of Landsvirkjun, Sigurður Pálsson, CEO of BYKO, and Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, CEO of Festa
This time, for the first time, two companies receive recognition for social reporting. Companies that are different in nature and therefore approach sustainability in operations in different ways. Both parties focus on careful presentation, transparency and targeted information. The reports are a constructive contribution to the creation and development of reports on social responsibility and sustainability.
Alls bárust 28 tilnefningar í ár og voru það 24 skýrslur sem hlutu tilnefningu sem er um 30% aukning frá árinu á undan. Í dómnefnd sátu Tómas N. Möller yfirlögfræðingur Lífeyrissjóðs Verslunarmanna, Hulda Steingrímsdóttir umhverfisstjóri Landspítala og Kjartan Sigurðsson lektor við Háskólann í Twente í Hollandi
Here you can find a link to all the reports that were nominated - Sustainability - Fix
The recognition is a joint project of Festa - the Center for Social Responsibility, Strynvís and the Icelandic Chamber of Commerce, and this is the fourth time the recognition has been awarded. The aim of the recognition for the Community Report of the Year is to encourage companies to set measurable goals and regularly publish, in a high-quality manner, information about how social responsibility and sustainability in operations bring them and society additional benefits. A clear strategy, implementation and disclosure is the way to successful operations.
Landsvirkjun CEO Hörður Arnarsson and BYKO CEO Sigurður Pálsson accept awards on behalf of their companies.
Annars vegar er um að ræða fyrirtæki í smásölu sem er að stíga sín fyrstu skref í gerð samfélagsskýrslu en þetta er önnur skýrsla fyrirtækisins. Það selur aðföng til stórs hóps neytenda sem og fagaðila í starfsemi sem hefur veruleg umhverfisáhrif og byggir rekstur sinn á margþættri virðiskeðju.
However, it is a company that has a long history in the development of knowledge and strategy related to social responsibility. It bases its activities on the use of natural resources, which has a wide direct and indirect impact within the country. The company is based on a great deal of knowledge and human resources related to sustainability and has multifaceted relations with domestic and foreign stakeholders.
Although the companies' approach to sustainability is different, they both emphasize careful presentation, transparency and targeted information. The reports are therefore a constructive contribution to the creation and development of reports on social responsibility and sustainability.
Í áliti dómnefndar segir að skýrsla Landsvirkjunar hafi verið bæði ítarleg og markviss. Hún gerir vel grein fyrir lykiláherslum varðandi sjálfbærni í rekstri með vísan til umhverfis, samfélags og efnahags. Umfjöllun og áherslur tengjast skýrt kjarnastarfsemi fyrirtækisins. Áherslurnar byggja á greiningu og samtali við haghafa sem og þáttum í rekstri sem eru mikilvægir samkvæmt mikilvægisgreiningu
Regarding BYKO's report, the jury says that it is noteworthy that it describes the company's operating model and future vision regarding social responsibility. The report deals with the implementation of policies, goals, measures and results regarding sustainability in a targeted and clear way. What is done well is reported, but challenges and goals that have not been achieved are also reported in an open manner. Emphasis is also placed on educating staff, contractors and suppliers regarding sustainability.
The executive board of BYKO together with the experts who contributed to the preparation of the report
"It is of great value to our stakeholders that BYKO publishes information about the company's sustainability journey. It has a motivating effect both inside and outside the company. By reporting what is being done, participating in sustainability projects, educating staff and customers, offering eco-friendly alternatives in building materials, it has a motivating effect on everyone. We are taking responsibility in the value chain, with numbers, words and pictures. We are setting a positive example and want to be a role model and motivation for others," says Berglind Ósk Ólafsdóttir, expert in sustainability at BYKO.
CEO Hörður Arnarson, Deputy CEO Kristín Linda Árnadóttir, Jóhanna Harpa Árnadóttir experts in sustainability together with the Landsvirkjun team
"We at Landsvirkjun have always looked to have a positive impact on society and the environment since the company was founded, and we are constantly looking for new ways to increase sustainability in our operations," says Hörður Arnarson, CEO of Landsvirkjun. "It is therefore particularly pleasing to receive recognition like this, and confirmation that our work is paying off, both as our contribution to a more sustainable world and also - hopefully - as an inspiration for other companies that want to do well in this important issue. "
Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, Festa's managing director, Konráð Guðjónsson, deputy managing director of the Icelandic Chamber of Commerce, and meeting guests.
At the event, which took place in the House of Business today, June 8, Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, Executive Director of Festa, gave a speech where she emphasized that information on sustainability needs to reflect effective actions for change and impact on operations on nature, people and governance. sustainability is not a supplement to operations, it is closer to being his purpose today".
Fundinum stjórnaði Konráð Guðjónsson aðstoðar framkvæmdastjóri Viðskiptaráðs og Íris Ösp Björnsdóttir forstöðumaður viðskiptaþróunar og rekstrar hjá Nasdaq Iceland stýrði panel umræðum.