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04. 05 2022 - 10:30-14:30

Climate Summit 2022

@Grand hotel

Climate Summit 2022

Stefnumót fyrirtækja um nýsköpun og lausnir á sviði umhverfis- og loftslagsmála

Take part in the Climate Tournament on May 4, 2022 in Gullteig at the Grand Hotel at 08:30-12:30.

Registration has started: Lofslagsmot 2022 – About Lofslagsmot (b2match.io).

Climate event brings together companies, entrepreneurs and others from the business world in micro-meetings. Límslagsmót is a platform for companies that seek/offer advice and solutions in the field of environmental and climate issues. This refers to all kinds of solutions that support environmentally friendly operations.

Þetta er í þriðja skiptið sem Loftslagsmótið fer fram og hefur það verið afar vel sótt, mótið er einstakt tækifæri til að para saman áskoranir og lausnir á vettvangi loftslagsmála. Í ár munum við bjóða upp á örerindi frá stuðnings og styrktarumhverfinu auk þess sem ráðherra loftslagsmála mun ávarpa gesti.

Markmið viðburðarins eru að:

    Encourage companies to familiarize themselves with the solutions that are available.

    Offer companies a platform to present their solutions and services.

  • Stuðla að jákvæðum aðgerðum í rekstri fyrirtækja í þágu loftslagsmála

Registered participants can subsequently request micro-meetings with other participants at the Climate Tournament, this pairing is done in a simple way on the tournament's registration page.


    08:30 The house opens Coffee and light breakfast 09:00 Address from the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Briefing from the support and grant environment 09:30 Meetings begin 12×15 minute meetings will take place for 3 hours 12:30 Meetings and program ends

For more information, please contact Birta Kristín Helgadóttir at Grænvang (birta@green.is) and Katrín Jónsdóttir at RANNÍS (katrin.jonsdottir@rannis.is).

Solutions can be in all areas related to green operations, from improved sorting methods, to carbon footprint calculators, environmental and climate policy, waste minimization, electronic accounting, carbon accounting, environmental management, certified buildings, innovation, sustainable investments, and consulting in relation to how companies can take the first steps towards environmentally friendly operations. Participants also have the opportunity to have meetings with selected parties from the support environment who provide advice regarding grant opportunities, innovation development and growth opportunities on the international stage.

""Climate issues are one of the most important issues of our time and, like other countries, Iceland faces challenges in that respect. There is a green energy transition ahead, and without the strong participation of the business world and innovation, we will not achieve the goals that have been set. The Climate Forum provides an opportunity to connect solutions and needs in this area. With a concerted effort, we can achieve our goals and I encourage companies and individuals to take advantage of the opportunity, strengthen relationships and participate in creating a better future." says Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate."

The event is organized by Grænvang, Rannís and EEN in collaboration with Festa and the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate.

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