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10. 05 2022 - 13:00 - 14:00
Það verða þær Dr. Snjólaug Ólafsdóttir sviðstjóri sjálfbærniráðgjafar hjá EY á Íslandi og Viktoría Valdimarsdóttir eigandi Ábyrgra lausna ehf sem taka á móti gestum og stýra fundinum. Eftir fræðandi erindi munu þær eiga samtal við fundargesti.
New Targeted and well-thought-out strategy formulation is the focus of the first steps towards operational sustainability, and the value of a good sustainability strategy lies not only in the dissemination of information externally, but also supports the company's entire strategic planning and its ability to achieve success in all areas. The basis of the strategy then lies in targeted analyzes of the business and the environment and an active dialogue with stakeholders.
At the meeting, we will focus on the first steps when it comes to building a sustainable business: how do we connect the sustainability policy and projects to the core business, how do we get all staff on board and build a workplace culture that supports the sustainability journey and what analyzes do we need to start to be able to set goals and policies when it comes to sustainability?