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09. september 2021

September 2021

"Have others brought compost bins to the garden?" Have you switched to an electric car?'' How does the construction industry deal with environmental issues?

This month we hear from Hulda Þórisdóttir, political scientist and docent at the University of Helsinki, and Björga Bjarnardóttir, sustainability consultant at VSÓ consulting. Answering big and small questions as well as nourishing ourselves in a variety of ways.

New ParaHulda Þórisdóttir political scientist and associate professor at the University of Iceland talks about behavioral science in the interest of sustainability and poses the question,, Why do we do so poorly in behaving in accordance with our attitudes and values?' and Björg Bjarnadóttir, sustainability consultant at VSÓ consulting, talks about the implementation of the circular economy in the construction industry in Iceland and what would be the best next steps for progress in this field hérlendis.graph

Enjoy reading and happy fall!

*Ritstjóri fréttabréfs: Guðbjörg Lára Másdóttir

"Within the circular economy, waste generation is seen as a design flaw, as materials should ideally be in a continuous cycle and not become waste. "

",, Have others brought compost bins to the garden? Have you switched to an electric car?''

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