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08. 03 2023 - 15:00-16:00

Crucible meeting – Moving to a low carbon economy

@Electronic event

Stökk úr markmiðum í aðgerðir hvernig getum við farið frá markmiðum yfir í aðgerðir þegar kemur að lágkolefnishagkerfinu?

Sustainability consulting from KPMG will present to us the report: Carbon neutrality – Leaping from goals to action, which is about how we set up a targeted action plan towards carbon neutrality in operations. Actions related to what we do before buying certified units for carbon offsets, as discussed at the last crucible meeting.

Hverja þurfum við að fá með okkur í þá vinnu, hver er ávinningurinn og hvaða tól og staðlar geta nýst okkur?


    Anna-Bryndís Zingsheim, environmental economist and sustainability consultant, presents the main points of the report. The steps to take to move towards carbon neutrality and how to make the leap from goals to action.

    Dr. Kevin Dillman, an environmental and resource scientist and sustainability consultant, provides interesting examples of companies' journeys towards a low-carbon economy. What has experience taught and which devices and tools have proven successful?

  • Þá munu tvö ólík aðildarfélög Festu segja frá sinni vegferð, hvað hefur reynst vel og hverjar hafa verið áskoranirnar?
  • Jóhanna Hlín Auðunsdóttir forstöðumaður loftslags og umhverfis hjá Landsvirkjun
  • Guðmundur Halldórsson framkvæmdarstjóri Te og Kaffi

Anna-Bryndís Zingsheim and Dr. Kevin Dillman

    Crucible meetings are only open to members of Festa

    There is no limit to the number of representatives from each member company

  • Fjarfundarhlekkur er sendur á skráða fundargesti degi fyrir fund

Athugið að upphaflegum fundartíma hefur verið breytt og byrjar fundurinn kl 14:00

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