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25. 10 2022 - 13:00-14:00
Undanfarið ár hefur ítarleg vinna verið unnin á vettvangi Staðlaráðs Íslands þar sem helstu sérfræðingar og hagsmunaaðilar í þessum geira hafa komið sér saman um kerfi til að unnt sé að sannreyna kolefnisjöfnun. Um tímamótavinnu er að ræða sem vakið hefur athygli út fyrir landssteinana. Ekki er um séríslenskt fyrirbæri að ræða heldur er byggt á alþjóðlegum viðmiðum og kröfum sem stór verkefni erlendis hafa stuðst við auk viðurkennds, alþjóðlegs ISO staðals.
The Icelandic Standards Council has now published the results of the work as a technical specification, see here: Technical specification on carbon offset published (stadlar.is).
The document is an addition to the ISO 14064 standard, which deals with requirements for companies and organizations regarding climate accounting and then requirements for climate projects. It was necessary to make this addition in the form of a technical specification in order to support the development of a credible carbon market.
Companies and climate projects will now be able to follow standard requirements and criteria to carbon offset their operations in a credible way and/or produce real and certified carbon units that meet international requirements and can be sold.
At the meeting, we will familiarize ourselves with the technical specifications and the importance of working hard when considering carbon offsets:
Aðalheiður Snæbjarnardóttir og Gunnar Sveinn Magnússon
Gunnar Sveinn Magnússon is head of sustainability consulting at Deloitte in Iceland and part of the company's Nordic management team.
He has extensive experience in sustainability policy formulation, carbon markets, sustainable finance, validation work and ESG due diligence and has worked with many of the country's largest companies and financial institutions in this field. Gunnar is also on the board of Iceland's Climate Register and helped establish the register in 2021