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07. 06 2022 - 14:00-15:00
The incentive award for the sustainability report of the year will be awarded on June 7, 2022.
Verðlaunin verða í ár veitt í fimmta skiptið og bárust 48 tilnefningar þar sem tilnefndar voru í heildina skýrslur frá 33 aðilum. Þetta er metfjöldi tilnefninga.
This year's jury consists of:
This year, a professional council was set up to prepare the work of the jury and evaluate the reports that were nominated. The professional council was made up of three students at the University of Reykjavík, who have completed a course taught by Bjarna Herrera, where the focus is on sustainable operations and disclosure.
Að afhendingu lokinni má nálgast lista yfir þær skýrslur sem hlutu tilnefningu á heimasíðu Festu ásamt umfjöllun um þá skýrslu sem hlýtur verðlaunin í ár.
Previous winners:
The sustainability report of the year is a joint project of Festa, Stórnvísi and the Icelandic Chamber of Commerce.
Frá afhendingu verðlaunanna árið 2021. Svanhildur Hólm framkvæmdastjóri Viðskiptaráðs Íslands, Gunnhildur Arnarsdóttir framkvæmdastjóri Stjórnvísi, Hörður Arnarson forstjóri Landsvirkjunar, Sigurður Pálsson forstjóri BYKO og Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir framkvæmdastjóri Festu