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21. 10 2021 - 16:00-18:00

Race to carbon neutrality - Race to Zero

@Grand hotel

Í aðdraganda Loftslagsráðstefnu Sameinuðu þjóðanna í Glasgow 2021 býður Breska sendiráðið á Íslandi í samstarfi við Bresk íslenska viðskiptaráðið, Reykjavíkurborg, Grænvang, Samtök iðnaðarins og Festu – miðstöð um sjálfbærni til viðburðarins: Kapphlaup að kolefnishlutleysi.

There will be different talks on how companies can easily work towards achieving carbon neutrality in their operations.


    Opening address Bryony Mathew, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iceland Climate roadmap for the business world – Next steps to zero Eggert Guðmundsson director of Grænvang The Together for Our Planet Business Climate Leaders' Campaign Catherine Westoby from SME Climatehub in the UK Let's have a head start Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir director of Festa

15:00 – break and light refreshments

  • Roadmap to net zero carbon in line with Iceland commitment to 2040 – things to think about
  • MACE Group breskt ráðgjafafyrirtæki
  • Byggingariðnaður og loftlagsmarkmið
  • Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, byggingarverkfræðingur hjá VSÓ Ráðgjöf
  • Reykjavík og áratugur aðgerða
  • Dagur B. Eggertsson borgarstjóri Reykjavíkurborg
  • Samantekt og lokaorð
  • Halldór Þorgeirsson formaður Loftslagsráðs

Móttaka í boði Breska sendiráðsins á Íslandi

Moderator: Sigríður Mogensen from the Swedish Industry Association

Race to Zero - is an international effort led by, among others, the United Nations. Its aim is to support companies, cities, investors and others in order to ensure a sustainable future and rally teams to achieve coordinated goals for carbon neutrality.

    All welcome - light refreshments and a reception will be offered after the event. The event will also be available via live streaming

The event is part of a series of meetings aimed at ensuring you and your business can stay on top of the pulse through concise and practical information related to the United Nations Climate Change Conference taking place in Glasgow 1-12 November.

Don't miss the following events. They will both be open streaming and open to everyone.

    November 19 at 09:00 – 12:00. "Future vision and next steps" - Climate conference of Reykjavík and Festu. Registration and further information: https://samfelagsabyrgd.is/vidburdir/loftslagsfundur-festu-og-reykjavikurborgar-2/

    November 24 at 9-11. "Are there business opportunities in carbon neutrality?" - EY's Sustainability Day and the Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions. In the afternoon there will be two workshops related to carbon neutrality.

    The meeting will take place in the hall Háteigur at Grand Hotel. Grand Hotel is a Swan-certified hotel. The entire scope of the meeting has been carbon neutral and more than that (net positive) through UN Climate Neutral Now.

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