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26. 02 2021 - 14:00-15:00

Climate declaration of Festa and the municipality of Hornfjörður - signing

@Electronic event

Þann 26.febrúar næstkomandi munu fyrirtæki og stofnanir Sveitarfélagsins Hornafjarðar undirrita Loftslagsyfirlýsingu Festu og sveitarfélagsins við hátíðlega athöfn sem fram fer í Nýheimum. Streymt verður beint frá athöfninni – nálgast má hlekk á beint streymi hér.

The climate project of Festa and the Municipality of Hornafjörður is intended to encourage companies and organizations to set goals for climate issues, carry out related actions, measure their results and publish goals and results.

The climate declaration is developed by Festa and the City of Reykjavík and was first signed in Höfða in 2015 by CEOs of over 100 companies and organizations in the run-up to the Paris Agreement. The declaration attracted international attention, as it relates to the commitment of signatories to: reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and waste, measure emissions and publish those results.

Á viðburðinum verður einnig kynnt ný stefna fyrir Sveitarfélagið Hornafjörð sem leggur áherslu á innleiðingu heimsmarkmiða Sameinuðu þjóðanna ásamt því að frumsýnt verður myndband um umhverfivænar áherslur sveitarfélagsins.

Then we at Festa will take advantage of this festive occasion and present material that supports and facilitates the use of Festa's Climate Meter.
    Location: Nýheimar á Höfn in Hornafjörður, due to the gathering restrictions, the event is only open to signatories

    Timing: February 26, 13:00 – 14:00

    Stream: Climate declaration of Festa and the Municipality of Hornafjörður - YouTube

Hornafjörður Municipality is one of Festa's member associations.

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