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24. janúar 2022
"We welcome you to 2022, a beautiful year, it must bode well. At Festa, the year starts with a bang, Festa's January Conference, the biggest sustainability event of the year in Iceland, will be broadcast live on the country's five main media and Festa's Facebook page, January 27 from 9-12.
This year's conference is entitled On the Right Basis and points out that our future depends on us changing our economic thinking. The goal is to promote economic development within the earth's tolerance limits and a more equal distribution of values between people. The decisions we make during this Decade of Action – to 2030 – will determine humanity's sustainable future for generations to come.
This year's conference program is extremely compact, concise and made up of a diverse group of leaders and experts from different areas of Icelandic business life. We present to the game rock stars in the field of natural sciences and economics, Johan Rockström and Kate Raworth, who are going to explain how knowledge of Planetary Boundaries and donut economics can contribute to good decisions for the future."
Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Festu, ritar leiðara mánaðarins