Hello! This is the English version of our site, currently under construction. Please excuse any errors or glitches as we work on making things better. 


Velkomin á nýja heimasíðu!

We proudly present Festa's new and updated website, created in collaboration with Sahara. The site has a new, appropriate domain name - www.sjalfbaer.is.

Festa's website is the focal point of all our information, and we therefore put a lot of effort into ensuring that all information about the company's activities can be accessed there, as well as materials and guides that support companies and organizations when it comes to sustainability in operations.

Á þessari nýju heimasíðu hafa verkefni Festu verið flokkuð eftir þremur stoðum sjálfbærni, fólk, jörð og hagsæld og leiðarvísir Festu hefur einnig verið tengdur við þessa flokka. Þá hefur viðburðarsíðan fengið nýtt og ferskt útlit. Og margt fleira!

Netföng starfsfólks Festu hefur einnig fengið nýtt lén, @sjalfbaer.is.

Skoðið, vafrið og njótið!

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