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25. 05 2023 - 11:00-12:00

Crucible meeting – Sustainability disclosure

@Electronic event

At the last Crucible Meeting before the summer holidays, we will examine the position of Icelandic companies when it comes to sustainable disclosure.

How are Icelandic companies performing, what is exemplary and where do we have to take the big steps?

European Union laws are now coming into effect, which will both make more detailed requirements when it comes to information related to sustainability, and at the same time, the group of companies that need to consider standardized and certified sustainability information in annual reports is expanding. At the crucible meeting, we will learn about this law and other upcoming changes in this area.

Reynir Smári Atlason, director of sustainability at Creditinfo, will give an informative talk, but Reynir has been one of our leading experts in Iceland on these issues in recent years.

Við bjóðum þá til panel umræðna þar sem þau Jóhanna Hlín Auðunsdóttir forstöðumaður loftslags og grænna lausna hjá Landsvirkjun og Stefán Kári Sveinbjörnsson verkefnastjóri í stefnumótun og sjálfbærni hjá Isavia mun taka þátt ásamt Reyni – og taka þá við spurningum og eiga samtal við fundargesti.

    But the three of them now make up the jury for the second year in a row in the incentive award Sustainability Report of the Year, which will be awarded on June 8 in collaboration with the Icelandic Chamber of Commerce and Stýrnvísi - see more here: Sustainability Report of the Year 2023 - nominations wanted (12/4-17/5) - Festa (samfelagsbyrgd.is)

Stefán, Jóhanna Hlín og Reynir við afhendingu hvatningarverðlauna fyrir Sjálfbærniskýrlslu ársins í júní 2022

    Please note that Deigl meetings are only open to member associations Festuenginn there is a limit to the number of representatives from each member association
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