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17. 10 2023 - 18. 10. 2023 - 10:00-17:00

Nordic Circul­ar Summit 2023


Nordic Circular Summit, stærsta hringrásarráðstefna á Norðurlöndunum, fer fram í Reykjavík og á netinu dagana 17.-18. október 2023.

Báðum dögum ráðstefnunnar verður streymt í gegnum netið og er aðgangur frír og opinn fyrir öll.

The first day, October 17, will be held in Gróska.

Við eigum enn nokkra miða fyrir þau sem vilja mæta á staðinn 17. október - hafðu samband við okkur í gegnum festa@sjalfbaer.is ef þú hefur áhuga!

✨ Þemað í ár er mannlegi þátturinn 

The circular economy must deliver a just society for all.

Hvernig nýtum við umskiptin yfir í hringrás til þess að auka jafnrétti og til að byggja upp framtíðarhæf samfélög og atvinnugreinar? 

The conference, now in its fourth year, will include talks and discussions on nature and biodiversity, circular societies, material flows and value chains, enriching business models, trade and finance, energy and resources, infrastructure, circular action plans and much more!


More information about each event can be found on the conference website.

October 17, 09:00-16:15

09:00-10:00 - Registration and morning coffee

10:00-12:00 - Main space

    The human factor and the circular economy

12:00-13:00 - Lunch break


    The foundations of circular societies Finance, sustainability and circularity

14:15-14:45 - Hlé


15:45-16:15 - Break

15:45-16:15 - Main space

    Summary of the day

October 18 - streaming only

Fjölmargir spennandi og fjölbreyttir hliðarviðburðir haldnir af fyrirtækjum, stofnunum og samtökum.

    All the events are electronic18. October at 10:00-16:00 More information

Nordic Circular Summit is hosted by Nordic Circular Hotspot and Nordic Innovation. Festa is part of NCH, which is the main cycling platform in the Nordic countries.

On the conference website, you can register your electronic participation and follow the latest news.

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