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11. 10 2023 - 08:30-10:00

Connection meeting of Festa - The Blue Lagoon

Bláa Lónið hf. býður aðildarfélögum Festu á tengslafund í starfsstöð fyrirtækisins í Urriðaholti, 11. október kl. 08:30-10:00.

Á fundinum munu Helga Árnadóttir, framkvæmdastjóri sölu-, markaðs- og vöruþróunarsviðs, og Fannar Jónsson, gæða- og umhverfisstjóri, taka á móti gestum og segja frá sjálfbærnivegferð félagsins. Sérstaklega verður rætt um alþjóðlega vottun B Corp sem Bláa Lónið hlaut á dögunum.


In addition to the well-known bathing lagoon in Svartsengi, Bláa Lónið has gained a good reputation for operating spas, accommodation services and restaurants. The company's skin care line has also received a lot of attention, as it is based on clinical research on the properties of groundwater.


From the beginning, the goal of the Blue Lagoon has been to promote increased well-being through the responsible multi-use of natural resources. In this way, the company has focused on environmental issues and responsibility in business practices with the goal of creating value for nature and the local community.


The international certification of B Corp, which the company received recently, confirms good results in sustainability and social issues. The goal of B Corp certification is to revolutionize business practices by getting companies to value the impact their operations have—for example, on the environment, individuals, and communities—as much as financial profit. In the audit process, these factors are taken into account in addition to the governance practices being scrutinized. The meeting will specifically discuss the certification, the certification process and the journey of the Blue Lagoon in this field, now and in the future.

    October 11 at 8:30-10:00Urriðaholtsstræti 2-4, 210 Garðabær, 3rd floorAdd to calendar
    Please note that networking meetings are only open to Festa member organizations and it is necessary to register for the meeting
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