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02. 11 2023 - 08:30-10:00
Welcome to Festa's next networking meeting, which will be held at the Environmental Agency. There we get inspiration and insight into the organization's diverse projects, all of which have in common to serve people and nature in the interests of environmental protection.
Iceland's position in climate matters, the eco-label The Swan, the introduction of a circular economy in this country and the diverse ways the organization has used communication will be discussed.
Sigrún Ágústsdóttir, director of the Environment Agency and staff in the field of climate and circular economy welcome guests.
Kristinn Már Hilmarsson tells about the release of Iceland, which puts the goals and actions of companies in an interesting context.
Katrín Björg Jónasdóttir og Ester Alda H. Bragadóttir segja frá því hvernig stofnunin fer ótroðnar slóðir í miðlun, allt frá TikTok yfir í samlesnar á Rás 1.
Birgitta Steingrímsdóttir og Þorbjörg Sandra Bakke ræða hlutverk fyrirtækja í hringrásarhagkerfinu og valdeflingu starfsfólks í umhverfismálum á vinnustaðnum.
Birgitta Stefánsdóttir tells about the Swan eco-label, reliable certificates for environmental work and how companies can prevent greenwashing.
Jóhannes Bjarki Urbancic Tómasson stýrir fundinum.
This is a unique opportunity to meet experts in these issues and ask questions that concern us all.